Pearl Ruckus 2014

Mad Hatter's Party?!?!?! Wow!!! And this time?!?!? Should I bring my Hat?!?!? :cool:

Go ahead and bring your hat, Douglas, you too, Mikeyy, and I'll bring/wear my octohat. Since I didn't get around to making that pearl corset...

We can always be mad hatters together, whether or not there is a mad hatters' party! I encourage others to bring festive headwear if you feel inspired, be it top hat or tiara. Your efforts will not go unappreciated!

I believe I will be coming out of LAX's customs/immigration at around 2:40-3:00 pm. Anyone else will be at LAX at around the same time? We can catch a ride together.
If so, please drop me an e-mail at info @ p e r l a s . c o m. mx (sorry I had to space it, trying to avoid e-mail harvesters).

Really happy to be a part of this great event again!

I will be arriving around the same time and would be happy to share a ride to the mansion! I sent you an email.
Oh wonderful, I have a beautiful hat that I adore wearing!! It's going to look great!! Especially with Douglas's mab? necklace- that is a serious piece of jewelry that I NEED to wear for just 5 minutes even. Wow.
Um, only been counting down since BEFORE your wedding last summer!!!!!! See everyone soon!
yes, do have a wonderful time, everyone! i so wanted to come this year, but this is a crazy weekend for me here back in texas. any chance of a google chat again while everyone's in the offices digging through treasure chest of pearly goodness?
It's awfully quiet in here. Is no one doing a live feed of Ruckus? Even tweets will be appreciated.
The Ruckus was fantastic! I have not been able to post due to internet password challenges and my inability to post pictures properly from my phone and iPad. I will post pictures later in the week.

Also, the live stream didn't happen, but videos of the talks and interviews will be posted by PP.

I'm sure my fellow Ruckus-goers will start posting soon.
Thank you Jeremy and Hisano for your hospitality, generosity, attention to details that made this an amazing Ruckus weekend. This is the 2nd best one for us out of 4 that we have been to. The best was last year's wedding. I only have pictures of Little H's sliced pearls, rings, etc. that were posted here . Also I would like to thank PP staff for helping us on Sunday morning.

It was a joy to meet fellow pearl lovers, farmers, nuclei producer, vendors. I am sure more photos will be shared later. Angela of PP took some pictures. Lillyfuzzysocks took some pictures and I know her photos are amazing.

Here are a few photos of Friday's sunset and after the sunset that we all shared out by the lawn.


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Gorgeous shot of the sunset, I wish I had been able to attend. I can't wait to see all the amazing pictures and the video of the two presentations I wanted to see most: Douglas on the Sea of Cortez oyster beds and Josh's talk on Tahitian pearl farming.
Friday night, there was indeed a great sunset, although mine pales next to Cathy's photo. :)
ruckus sunset.jpg

And world-traveler, Clyde, was dressed nattily in his best pearl jewelry, which he changed daily.

In the dying light, out came the camera for the loveliest of Sea of Cortez pearl strands.
ruckus sea of cortez.jpg

After dinner, Caitlin suggested we take our annual "meeting of the purloined pearls" photo.
purloined reuniion.jpg

And the pearl sharing began in earnest under the color-correct soft light with the Sea of Cortez Mabe Necklace.
soc dream mabes.jpg

This double-strand of blue akoyas knocked my socks off. Did these pearls belong to Baby Nurse?
blue akoya bliss.jpg
Hanaleimom's beautiful red pearl capped off the night and sent me into sweet dreams.
Cathy T.jpg

Hisano's little h earrings really were as luscious as fruit.
lucious earrings.jpg

And the back of the earrings were super-lustrous.
beautiful reverse.jpg

Finally, off to Pearl Paradise for some Tahitian Torture!
tahitian torture.jpg

What a way to go! Too bad I didn't take many photos. Now it's someone else's turn.

I can't say thank you enough to Hisano, Jeremy and all their staff for the lovely time and to our Ruckusers who helped out, especially Lillyfuzzysocks and Newberry who were first and last at the mansion. And to our pearl farmers Douglas and Josh and to La Corsetiere Sheri for sharing her beautiful work. To my dear cohort Caitlin. And to everyone. How can you all be so special, so wonderful? :cool:
GemGeek - Thanks so much for sharing your photos so quickly! The pearls you've shared with us are incredible and I'm sure the SOC pearls were passed around several times! What a great evening!
More pics please!!!
