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  • Hi Doug.
    I have read a lot about UV light on this forum which can give us info about whether pearls are being treated . Can u tell me where we can obtain these UV lights and is it safe for us to use it ? Thank You.
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    Reactions: CortezPearls
    Sure thing! I purchased a few over the years. The newest one has LED light and saves on battery!
    I've purchased them from specialized vendors...but I've gotten better prices on places such as Amazon!
    Hi Douglas, I hope you are getting back to normal after your procedure! Would you please give me your assessment of the pearl I posted? I haven't received it yet, but it is approx. 19x14x14mm. do you think it would make a decent enhancer? Are they relient enough for caual wear?
    Douglas, What year did you and your partners start your pearl farm? Just curious, Wendy Fairchild
    I found it! It was 2 kilos of pearls in 2000 :)
    I missed seeing you at Sarah's "Pearls by the Bay" event.
    WOW! You must have been so excited with this first harvest, and those ever since. I wish I could have come, and tried unsuccessfully to watch online. I did see the photos on this forum though. It looks like the venue and the presenters were wonderful...
    It was a wonderful event! So sorry you missed it :(
    Hi Douglas. Glad to see you on here. I have been reading these forums for several years on and off, and finally signed up last week. It is so nice to see the photos of your beautiful pearls. Love the mabe and ring! If you have time, I posted pictures of some of my pearls. I'll post my other strands and pearl jewelry when I get around to photographing them.
    My friends: Tis' the time of the Year to be Merry and to be sincerest Holiday Wishes to all, and let us Hope for a Better New year 2011. May God grant you all Health & Pearls :)
    Hi Would you please post your various webpages links for us? This looks like a great year for your harvest!
    Hola Amigos!!! Just want to Wish you All the Best X-Mas Season Ever...and let us HOPE next year will not be as Bad (financially) as every one is saying it will be.
    Let us all Hope for the Best and Continue Enjoying Life, Family and our Nacreous Delights!!!
    Feliz Navidad & Prospero A?o 2009
    Hola Amigos!!! Just want to Wish you All the Best X-Mas Season Ever...and let us HOPE next year will not be as Bad (financially) as every one is saying it will be.
    Let us all Hope for the Best and Continue Enjoying Life, Family and our Nacreous Delights!!!
    Feliz Navidad & Prospero A?o 2009
    I have a friend with family in Guaymas. Someday I'm going to find some very wispy clothing and visit your area! :)

    Actually, on re-reading what I wrote, it sounds like a threat! I hear that it's hot in the EXTREME! :)
    And post some of your photos right here in your gallery, so we can find them in one place! (I'm so demanding) ;)
    Oh Douglas! My heart sings when you post your harvest photos. I hope you can stick around for a while -- we miss you when you're tending to your mollusks. ;)
    You've posted some absolutely GORGEOUS knock outs this year, Douglas! Keep up the great job!!!
    Hey, my ecological minded Amigo,

    Where you been hiding? Hope everything on the farm is well. You are going to keep all the "Saurons" for me this time, right?
    Nah, I meant it morphed in a visual way with all these "improvements". Love the avatar.

    Boring dull pearls? Blasphemy I say!!! :)
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