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  • Blaire dear,
    Thank you for the greetings, I saw them 3 days latter. Warm regards to your mom.
    Hi Blair - sadly I don't think I will be in Tuscon this year - just a bit too close timing wise to the HK show... but I will get over to California sometime this year, I suspect. Would have loved to meet you and Octavia, though!
    Hi, GemGeek!

    Thanks for the wise advice about purchasing a spectacular pendant, as opposed to a full strand. Sorry for the belated response--I've been busy and haven't logged on in over two months (a miracle of survival!).

    Managed to buy a vintage opal ring in the meantime... ;)

    I asked Kirsten today how long the threaders on the website were. They are 3.25" long. That's not shoulder dusters -- that's back scratchers! Too bad. Would love to wear some sexy, moving, earrings. Oh well. :)
    Hi Blaire - thank you for the birthday greetings - still have one or two birthday lunches to do, so I am def making the most of it as always! Have a great day,
    Hi Blaire,

    Thanks for the warm welcome! So sorry for my delayed response - hoping things settle down a bit after our (Harmony, Inc) International competition next week.

    Wow! "Road Trip" must be/ have been one fine quartet! Razzle Dazzle is current SE champion and has been as high as 6th at Int'l (our International being about the same size as one SAI district, from what I understand. We're a solid mid B-level quartet, if you're familiar with the Men's scoring system.)

    Anyway, it's always a kick to meet someone who understands the visceral thril of ringing a chord. I'll post some pics as soon as I figure out Photobucket.

    Unfortunately(or maybe fortunately), there is no support for animated avatars here at P-G(or maybe there is). Thus, tweaker kitty is frozen, at the moment! Darn html tags.

    I'm trying to find a cool audio file to go with his head bobbing. Any suggestions?
    Gee, I'm not sure I'm working this correctly. Re: Earrings. Yeah, no neck! So, no dangles. Studs bigger than 5MM overpower me. That's probably just my imagination, but all I see is earring if they are bigger than that.
    Dear Blaire,
    Thanks for the kind words. Next time you are down this way, please give me some notice, so we can meet.
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