Torres Pearls at Escape River, Far North Queensland, Australia

Hello again
It's been a long hot day and I lost two years of my life trying to get that pic up. see you.

I know what you mean! It's like I have some areas in my brain that actually resist keeping certain bits of knowledge, or I would have helped.:(

Hurray, you did it!
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A quick shout out to fellow Aussie's - Rob and Bronwyn - and to Karin K (the Danish link to Princess Mary from Tasmania) as well.
How befitting is it then to showcase a photo gallery that shows Quentin Bryce (the Aussie link to Queen Elizabeth's Torres' pearl) and Princess Mary as well in gorgeous Sydney this very week. (I am very, very partial to Melbourne myself though I will concede Sydney's a beaut!)

And will ya just look at the SS pearls Princess Mary has on in Pics 13 and 14:
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Gidday Adeline
It's Rusty and Bronwyn (I have a brother Rob).
Mary pulls on all our heart strings,, even though she's originally from Tasmania. Without a doubt one of the most photographic chics on the planet and pretty sound of mind.
I need to take a reality check as all the pic's highlight, Mary don't need much by way of accessories. Pearl farmers need women that have a need for pearls.
I better be careful of where this could lead. I think I'll stop there.

Good night all.
Gidday all, This is Tommy, our wild shell collector on the west coast of Cape York when I picked up our new shell on Sunday.


Back at Escape River on the east coast with a lovely basket of wilds


Happy ex-wild shell, tamed shell awaiting sorting.


This is what we call Premium wild caught shell. Absolutely beautiful.


Croc Whispering, general introductions of new inhabitants, to the established pecking order.


That's just two days in the exciting life of a small farm. If these pic's work, all thanks to Bron.
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Sorry the pic's are small. It's quite a hassle trying to get it right. Bron will try again later in the week.
We are seeding from the 11th of December so will put some pic's up.

Good night all
Hi Rusty & Bronwyn,
Great photo gallery collection of your farm! Glad to have you posting here.
Hi all

Sorry that the pics were too small - and then disappeared! I have refreshed the photos in a bigger format, so hopefully they will be OK now.
Bronwyn and I wish all Pearl Guiders a Happy Christmas and safe festive season wherever you are on this globe.

We seeded the new wild shell two weeks ago so we'll be turning shell in the morning. A pearl farmers work is never done.
Many happy returns to both of you as well.

Likewise here, I've been working wild stocks during this month's big tides, They get later by 55 minutes each day and will occur after daylight hours so I'm making the best of these last few days.
That's really interesting about the tides Dave.

Gidday Dave

We are having our King tides up here at the moment.

It never occured to me that it's a continuous movement around the globe. It's funny how we just take things for granted.

Have a great day mate, Rusty.
Rusty and Bronwyn, Thank you for the photos and interesting posts about life on your farm. I hope you continue and show us the fruits of your labors at harvest.
Princess Mary from Denmark, now She's an aussie chick, maybe I've gotta work on Her next.

Alas, Princess Mary is Danish now, and is required to represent and promote Danish jewellers and Danish designers! I'm sure she would love to receive some pearls - the Danish royal jewellery collection includes some amazing pearls, some of which she has added to her tiara recently - but unfortunately she would not be permitted to promote them, but only wear them in private. Or perhaps to an Australian Embassy function! : )
Hello Mary, welcome!

... you are more than welcome to present us forum members with your own welcome gift of her updated pearly tiara :p

Thanks for the welcome and here's my response to your invitation to post some royal bling! Here is Mary's tiara. It is much better with the pearls, though it is still a modest tiara by royal standards. This one was bought for Mary at auction ( a dedicated royal watcher found it in a London jewellery auction catalogue!) rather than given to Mary from the Queen's collection.


And here is the original (it was bought in around 2004 and remodelled two years ago). I happen to think the row of pearls added along the bottom should have been spaced a little ...


Princess Mary's sister-in-law's tiara is nicer - it was given to Princess Marie by Queen Margrethe from her personal collection (no pearls but more bling and much grander!):

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