Do real men wear pearls?

Looks like a religious medal? Truth be told here in the bay area I see many guys, many of them are of Latin (Catholic) background wearing pearl beads as a rosary and medal, more often than not black freshwater pearls or imitation pearls.
Here is my latest (you guys might remember the controversial necklace that got me into a bit of a "Situation" with an unfriendly hater) this is the mate now finished:


Black Spinel
Tahitian Pearls (with a greenish blue overtone)
Cats Eye Aquamarine Beads
Black Onyx Clasp
And you guys like neck shots (My scruffy neck shot). I won't ever wear them together...because together they are s a little heavier than I'd want. I really love gemstones with phenomena like cats eyes and stars, and in bead form they are so cool. Who doesn't like black spinel?

***Attachment didn't work sorry. See further down the thread.
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Odd...I'll try again

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I see the neck shot of the two together -- really chunky attractive and manly!
Hi GG- Where have you been... not seen you around here too much? I hope all is well and you are doing okay?

I see the neck shot of the two together -- really chunky attractive and manly!
This is a side by side the left is the newer one just made.

Pic 3.jpg
TMI: I was away for my niece's wedding followed by a two week trip to Paris, then right as I was leaving, I caught a horrible cold. The kind of cold that evolves and clings. I still can't hear from ear congestion and it's been 24 days. As if that wasn't enough, my day job has escalated into a frenzy of stress and overtime. I figure also, that I have been mildly depressed for several months and have started taking a few herbal remedies. I'm chalking that up to the "older woman" thing.

Being ill for so long has sapped my energy, but I expect to get it together very soon. I appreciate Pearl Dreams taking great care of the forum.
Our pearl community is the BEST.
I am very sorry to hear you are under the weather and concerned you are feeling down. I do understand how "work" stresses can magnify many things, including making it harder to recover from colds/illness, the normal sporadic blues become more pervasive greys. You can get stuck in that "Pit" quite easily.

Baby steps and self care, make time for yourself each day, even if its just 30 minutes and let it be mindless fun, strictly your time and no one else is allowed to intrude on it. Rest when you can and don't beat yourself up for feeling tired or feeling like you should be doing something other than resting and self care.

I think you already know you have friends here that care about you, and I don't think anyone would consider you sharing an update about yourself/health as TMI (well I don't anyway). On the brighter side I hope the wedding was lovely, that Paris was for pleasure and you found some time to relax? Take your time to rest, recover and regain your strength, you'll be back at your best in no time!

TMI: I was away for my niece's wedding followed by a two week trip to Paris, then right as I was leaving, I caught a horrible cold. The kind of cold that evolves and clings. I still can't hear from ear congestion and it's been 24 days. As if that wasn't enough, my day job has escalated into a frenzy of stress and overtime. I figure also, that I have been mildly depressed for several months and have started taking a few herbal remedies. I'm chalking that up to the "older woman" thing.

Being ill for so long has sapped my energy, but I expect to get it together very soon. I appreciate Pearl Dreams taking great care of the forum.
Our pearl community is the BEST.
When you get sick for that long...and some of these bugs can last quite does make you feel depressed. A cold really shouldn't last more than 7 days so you might want to go to the doctor and just get checked out . Maybe a sinus infection has evolved ? And don't knock the 'older woman' thing...hormonal shifts can sneak up and play havoc with your emotions. Take care...go for a walk every day ... hot water and lemon juice ... see the doctor and get a proper check up. :) Feel better soon!
My nature is to be cheerful and the mild depression doesn't change that. I am very conscientious about my main job, but have neglected my pearl articles, my house and basically almost everything else. I feel exhausted, mostly from the cold. And it's making me resent my long commute.

And yet, I feel positive about steps I have taken this week to start getting things on track. I have been working furiously, but the recent work has been in an area where I have expertise and talent.

After walking through a spider web this evening, I noticed that the gardening people had let my front tree grow over the walkway. Standing at the front, the tree was literally twice as wide on one side as the other, totally lopsided. I got out my loppers and a stool and pruned the tree (and chased that lousy giant spider down the street). Little things like that are empowering.

My only ever-present difficulty is a lack of time due to long hours and a long commute. Because I have a great job and I own my house, that is a hurdle that will remain.

If all goes well, articles should start appearing on a regular basis again. I really appreciate the concern. What would I do without my pearl peeps?
I forgot to say thank you! Also glad you are doing well though battling with the seasonal blahs (cold bugs & etc)!!!

I see the neck shot of the two together -- really chunky attractive and manly!
I loved her sharp mind and feistiness there are no other words for it other than feisty, she might've moved slowly but definitely a bargain hunter from what I witnessed, and I think that moving slowly allowed her to see what others overlooked. I just imagine her at the farmer's market giving those guys a hard time in a playful way. I was telling a friend about it today, she said more "young" people should take the time to talk with the older folks, it gives them a chance to share memories and relive them in the telling, keeping the elderly minds sharp and connected to community. Never really thought about it the way before. Still I maintain I got more out of that brief moment than she did, it was just another day of her making a "scene" and giving trouble lol.

It reminds me of a cute story of an Elderly customer I had when worked in a jewelry shop. This woman would come in with her caregiver, neither of them spoke a lick of English, but she'd point and I'd try to explain/translate the best I could (thanks google). For some reason she loved working with me, each time she'd stop in she'd make a purchase, but sometimes she'd stop by just to wave (or bring me a snack). One day she wanted to look at a ring, I slipped it on her finger and she wanted to look at it near the front window in natural sunlight. I came around the counter, gave her my arm for support and we slowly walked to the window at the front of the store. She was such a card, her arm looped through mine she started humming the wedding march. By far one of my most favorite encounters.

the wedding march ....... that's something i would do....
i embarrass everyone often