Spherical Rose

Dear Spherical Flower:
Probably the hardest thing we learn in life is to love ourselves and enjoy our own company. Especially in the face of a breakup. It's so good to see you taking good care of yourself, and you know, you will always have your pearls. And us.
Keep up the good work,
I have some questions about storage:

If I keep the pearls in the box. If I keep the pearls in my closet.
(The box does not close air-tight)
How should I store them if they are going to be never worn?
Should I put them in a ziploc bag with a moist papertowel?
I want to find the best storage option.
I want them to look just as beautiful
100+ years from now as what they do right now.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would not put them into a plastic bag; they need to breathe. You also wouldn't want to be wetting the silk. I think you can keep them in their original box; that is where I store mine.

As long as you don't always have the air conditioner on-- that is, if the air in your home has normal humidity-- they are going to get moisture from the air. But I still think you should wear them now and then. When you take them off, wipe them with the cloth to remove body oils and sweat prior to storing them again.
Good decision to keep the pearls -- they are beautiful and one day you will be glad.

After some time has passed and you are feeling better, you will take them out, look at their beauty and they will symbolize something other than the broken relationship. And you will put them on with pride and strength and move forward.

~cyber hugs~
Dear Spherical Flower,
I am new but could not help wanting to join in.
Please don't wait to wear those beautiful pearls. Let them become part of you, as they will the more you wear them. If anything, in time, they will be a gentle reminder that you are strong. Think of how they came about and found each other and became a testament of how beauty and strength can come from struggle.
Just my thoughts -
When I was starting out in business on my own one of the best ways of thinking I learned was to always, every time, after good and especially after bad stuff, to say 'what have we learned from this? These events are neither good nor bad, they just are, and you have an opportunity to learn. These pearls can be the symbol of what you have learned and experienced = good, or they can be a symbol of negatives = sadness and breakup . It is up to you
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I love what you said Wendy.
I believe our path contains lessons we need to experience and learn from. It took many years until I came to that conclusion or delusion but it works for me. :)