Hey all:
Enjoying my new membership to Pearl-Guide, you're a terrific resource!! Thought I'd take advantage and seek some help with this strand that has me a little baffled.
First, this is not your typical baroque strand of irregular pearls, rather its a fairly well matched set of barrel shaped pearls that seems to have a reasonably consistent form. On the other hand, no two pearls match exactly. While lumpy is not exactly a word I'd use with pearls either, these surfaces are not perfectly flat or regular, there seems to be a comparatively thick nacre coating that causes them to have a surface that is not perfectly even. There is no chipping of the nacre at the hole nor any evidence that they are bead nucleated. Largest pearl is about 12-13mm, and there are 12 pearls at 10MM or above, the remainder graduating to 5 MM. Given the thickness of the nacre, the surface is highly reflective. Color is a rich ivory with just the slightest pink overtones. I snapped them on both an invory background as well as a white paper towel. String clearly has some age on it, the clasp is currently a safety pin - very fashionable!! They are not knotted, guess you don't say unknotted.
Anyway, without rambling more - I am assuming they are freshwater, question is whether they were cultured to this shape and form, given their irregularity and nacre thickness? Or are are something entirely different that I am not recognizing? Would love to have some guess as to origin and possibly age as well. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
Thanks Muchly,
Judy D

Enjoying my new membership to Pearl-Guide, you're a terrific resource!! Thought I'd take advantage and seek some help with this strand that has me a little baffled.
First, this is not your typical baroque strand of irregular pearls, rather its a fairly well matched set of barrel shaped pearls that seems to have a reasonably consistent form. On the other hand, no two pearls match exactly. While lumpy is not exactly a word I'd use with pearls either, these surfaces are not perfectly flat or regular, there seems to be a comparatively thick nacre coating that causes them to have a surface that is not perfectly even. There is no chipping of the nacre at the hole nor any evidence that they are bead nucleated. Largest pearl is about 12-13mm, and there are 12 pearls at 10MM or above, the remainder graduating to 5 MM. Given the thickness of the nacre, the surface is highly reflective. Color is a rich ivory with just the slightest pink overtones. I snapped them on both an invory background as well as a white paper towel. String clearly has some age on it, the clasp is currently a safety pin - very fashionable!! They are not knotted, guess you don't say unknotted.
Anyway, without rambling more - I am assuming they are freshwater, question is whether they were cultured to this shape and form, given their irregularity and nacre thickness? Or are are something entirely different that I am not recognizing? Would love to have some guess as to origin and possibly age as well. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
Thanks Muchly,
Judy D