GIA Alumni Pearl Tour

Hi Gem Geek,

I am going to Tucson. Two weeks ago, I booked my plane fare and hotel
room. I AM SO EXCITED. I was there last year and met Jeremy, Caitlin,
and others at the Strack lecture. What a great experience.

Jeremy, I sure hope you give this year's pearl presentation.

A Pearl-Guide lunch and pearl walk sounds wonderful.

For those of you who might even contemplate going, BOOK NOW - cancel later.

Pearl Girl, LLC
New York
The pearl talk is looking very possible as of today. I will give more information later.

We are flying through Sydney and on to Darwin. We are going to be spending several days in Darwin while visiting Paspaley's operation by seaplane.
Yeah, that weight thing again. I do love seaplanes, though:) What we do for pearls!

Tucson -- Woo Hoo! Maybe not as good as Tahiti, but if you like gems, pearls, beads and minerals, you'll be in hog heaven.

I bought many strands of dyed pearls from Majestic because they had unusual colors I hadn't seen. I always hold dyed pearls for at least six months because they might fade. Here is one where the color looks different taken from the left and the right. I moved the strands in between. I think it's due to the light source being in front and behind when the pics were taken.

I remember the shock I had when I went to look for the beautiful bright seafoam pearls I bought and found greenish white ones in their place!



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Oh well, not that I'm actually in Sydney most days, but it would've been nice to see you guys.
Yeah, I'll be packing late into the night while Jeremy sleeps. I always take forever. I'll miss reading all your cool posts. Who knows what fun things will be waiting when we get back? ;)
It would have only been a 20-minute packing job if it were not for the added New Zealand stopover. We have 80-90 degree weather everywhere but there. I think it is 50-60 this week...

NZ is a strange addition to this itinerary when Indonesia and the Philippines are just so close! Who knows, maybe it will surprise us.

On the Tucson front! It looks as though the "pearl talk" may not happen. Doug Fiske and I were going to do it together, but the powers that be determined it may be construed as GIA endorsement of a commercial enterprise ( After the diamond scandal that sort of thing is a no go! But I respect that if it does hold true across the board.

GemGeek (Blaire),

A Tahitian pearl farmer is possibly going to be on that flight with us tomorrow. He accidentally booked the 2nd departure thinking we would fly together, but yesterday said he would try to switch to be on the 1pm flight. Could be an 8-hour pearl talk all the way to Papeete. That is not too long, eh Caitlin?
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Have a great trip!

That must have been a 14 hour pearl talk we had in Tucson last year!:D 8 hours is just getting started!
Hi Jeremy,
from my understanding the trip was just open to GIA Alumni.. I think I also remember reading that they said the trip was sold out, and apparently in record time (no surprise there!) Looks like it would be an amazing trip!
It has been a good trip. The pace is a little slow for my taste and presentations are far from technical, but it still has been fun.

We are stuck in Tahiti with an extra day as our New Zealand flight has been delayed for more than 12 hours.

I met with Josh Humbert last night. We did some business and went to dinner.
jshepherd said:
We are stuck in Tahiti with an extra day as our New Zealand flight has been delayed for more than 12 hours.

Well, if you have to be stuck someplace, I suppose you could do worse than Tahiti! (my delayed flights tend to involve O'Hare in Chicago in the middle of winter - that is NOT fun...)
Did you go to the Pearl Museum in Papeete? Did you see/talk with Robert Wan? I am wondering what they think of the PoA?
G'day from Australia!

We are in the backpacker's paradise of Darwin. We arrived from Christchurch yesterday, visiting the blue pearl farm of Eyris.

Tomorrow we are seeing every Paspaley of Darwin, then we are taking a seaplane out to the operation on Friday.

I will have a full account of the trip, day be day, when I get back. I have about 1000 photos as well.


Robert Wan was a no-show in Tahiti. His son Bruno Wan was there, however. He was the perfect host.

The museum was better than I remembered. It had moved and had been remodeled. I did not ask anyone there about PoA, unfortunately. But one thing I can guarantee - it is not there!
Jeremy, thanks for the update! I love those Eyris blue pearls. They were my favorite until a couple of weeks ago. What did you all do with Blair? She's been mighty quiet! I'm telling you, Cobb's kids took it out in the backyard to play football and when they broke a neighbor's window with it, the neighbor confiscated it then threw it away! Be safe!
GemGeek fell off the boat in Tahiti and we lost her...

No, she is just having too much fun. We have been in separate groups for a lot of this trip, but everytime I see her she is laughing and smiling (even at 4:00 a.m.)!
Blaire is back, but just barely! Jeremy is like the energizer bunny -- zero jetlag and boundless energy. I tried to catch up on the postings in the wee sleepless hours of last night, but no such luck. You guys are prolific!

Jeremy brought a laptop, so he was able to email from his hotel room while on the tour. The hotels had community computers that had the world's slowest dial-up connections and were very expensive. I could have called home every day for the cost of a couple of emails. But, hopefully I will make it up with story and photos.

Jeremy has seen a lot of this stuff before, so it probably got a bit tedious at times. Not for me! We had hardly got off the plane from Los Angeles, when we had to board the private Wan Air flight to Marutea, 1000 miles away from Tahiti.

And here we are on the atoll...
welcome to Marutea Sud.jpg

Just inches from hungry sharks -- supposedly benign hungry sharks, which were being fed by the people doing the cooking.

Later that night we were treated to a sunset walk on the beach...
marutea sunset.jpg

And my friend Leslie saw whales and she yelled to all the people on the beach so we would look. Well, whenever the whales arched out of the water, we all cheered. That made them curious, so they came closer and started to frolic on our behalf.

We finally made our way down the beach to have a glass of champagne (sounds really good until you factor in the man-eating mosquitos) and the whales followed us. One of them stood straight out of the water and gave us the eye. Then they all gave us several waves of their fins -- high fin, low fin -- you know:) It was mystical.

There was nothing to interrupt the sea and the sky. It was magnificent.

The next day we observed the grafting process for the Tahitian pearls. I got a great close-up video of nucleation, but I'm not allowed to post it. I will post a shark video when I get a chance.

On the night I wore Jeremy's pearls, he was off having dinner with Josh. No invite -- totally unfair:) But I hear they did some great business.

After spending way too much money in Tahiti, we spent a day in Moorea due to the delay of our flight to New Zealand. It was supposed to leave at 8:00 a.m. and didn't leave until midnight.

We were supposed to have two days in New Zealand to see the Eyris Blue Pearl operations. For anyone who knows me, I have been obsessed with Eyris Blue Pearls for forever, so I was upset that we would miss something. We took a vote and agreed that we would clean up and go out right away without sleeping, so we did eventually get to see everrything.

It was beyond my wildest dreams. Roger Beattie, who runs and owns the business showed us every step in processing the shells right down to the finished gems, ready to set. The next day, we drove to Akaroa Bay and Roger took us out to their operations at sea and showed us the Paua Abalones and their pearls in progress.

Here is a photo of how beautiful they can be...
uncut pears 2.jpg

Off to Darwin Australia to visit Paspaley Pearls. Here we flew by sea plane to the water operations on the Paspaley III ship. I got to midwife a pearl birth by squeezing out a pearl. Too cool. They are lovely right out of the shell. More photos later & a video, but here I am on the boat to Kuri Bay where we had a fabulous lunch. Worn out, but happy.
blaire on deck 2.jpg
Gee, I am getting a reputation for being happy and smiling a lot, but it's hard not to smile when you're in pearl heaven. Okay, I also was the comedian on the trip. Everyone was so serious, so somebody had to do it!

The next day we went to Paspaley's office to the pearl grading room. Wow! Pearls EVERYWHERE! Here is a photo of us handling them...
pearl hands.jpg

That's it for now. I'll report more later.
Blaire, the pearl reporter
Hi Blaire,

I am thrilled for you and your Great Pearly Adventure, and totally jealous, too! Also love, love, love you for reporting all the fab details.
Looking forward to the next installment---

so many pearls, so little time

ps I notice something lovely and glowing around your neck in the next to last photo.
pattye said:
ps I notice something lovely and glowing around your neck in the next to last photo.

Why, yes, that's a gem grade Eyris Blue Pearl! Note how small it is -- they are very precious. I had planned to get Eyris Blue Pearls, so I had set aside some money for them. I did not plan on getting Tahitians or South Seas, but I did. With each purchase retirement is fading into the distance...

Photos of the new jewelry to come later:)
Caitlin Williams said:
Did you go to the Pearl Museum in Papeete? Did you see/talk with Robert Wan? I am wondering what they think of the PoA?

I hate being clueless, but what is the PoA?
