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  • Hi Kerrie, what did you think of the Red Hill exhibition? was there in January-perhaps we could meet one weekend in that area?(I don't bite):-)

    Just noticed my note on Fred, he was bought At a manufacturing jewellers that I had bench space at.
    Thank you dear Kerry for your warm words.
    May we all have a great and happy year !!!
    :) :) :)
    Hello pearl friends,
    finally I am back online! Thank you dear Cathybear for posting here so people would know why I wasn't around. I have so much pearly news to catch up on in the forums, what bliss :)

    Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2010 filled with many blessings and beautiful pearls!!
    Kind regards from Kerry.
    Dear Kerry, I just saw your message and I'm terribly sorry to respond with such a delay.
    Yes. my late Saluki, Ajax. He was 11 years when we had to part. I cannot find proper words to describe him.
    I was almost offended with your explanation of what Whippets are...... :)
    What's the name of your whippet? What colors?
    We have one in our neighborhood, named Joy, 4 years old. They are adorable.

    Warm regards to Bart !!!
    Some very nice eye candy there kerry.
    Love the keshis mmmmmmmmm!

    Will have to get my act together and do some albums.
    Wow Thanks for the tips. Yes I am forging ahead, no other choice but face life as it comes. Difficult as it really never goes away, just different.
    I wish I had more time on the computer but I am spending time at home with PT also. I will be sure to look at Cathybear's site. Have a wonder Holiday Season
    Kerry - you have a pearl collection to die for! Loved your pearl photos! Wear them in good health! :)
    Keshibelle- Have you purchased any pearls lately? I did get my Exotics and love them. I am a bit older and finally in a position to give myself pearls. Any recommendations are welcomed. Hope all is well. Pearl Angel
    Thanks Kerry, for your compliments about my smile and the photos! I love this forum, and the amazing fact that pearl lovers can share so much here, no matter what their geographical location is. :) I am glad that you have joined. :)
    Hello to you Gorgeous! I overcame my nerves and just did my first post, how exciting! Are you proud of me lol?
    Hugs from Kerry.
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