Vintage pearls found on internet


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2018
E81D9941-5A92-4359-B5E6-EA008322A2A4.jpgE81D9941-5A92-4359-B5E6-EA008322A2A4.jpg any ideas about this one? I Have only seen it on photos and I don't know what to think about them. Are they real, and if they are What kind of pearls is it? I first thought freshwater, but then I thought imitated baroque saltwater. The seller don't know what it is.
Best regards
I could be wrong, but I'm getting an imitation vibe off these. The baroque pearls seem to repeat shapes and don't have any pits or deep grooves. And the round pearls are all exactly the same shape and size and color, and they match the large baroque pearls in color and luster, which you would not expect if they were real pearls. And I don't see any pearly overtones. Plus, the clasp and end caps are very cheap looking. If those were all real pearls, you would think the clasp would be more expensive with a pearl clasp designed for multi strands of pearls.

How much is the seller asking for the necklace? That will tell a lot about what the seller thinks it is.
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The seller wants $97, but will sell for $73. She says she inherited them and knows nothing about them.
My immediate impression was imitation pearls. Somewhat yellowed, too.

Imitation pearls can be fun to wear anyway. But the price seems a bit high.
I agree, price is too high for used imitation pearls.
Thank you for your answers! My gutfeeling seems to be right then��.