Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2016
With a tip of the hat and a hearty thanks to Gemandpearlover! I have several projects going. First off is a tanzanite and diamond endless strand. The diamonds were too small for the beader's secret fine and the 10# power pro, so I used #0 silk. Even so, I broke it accidentally 3 times while I was working on it. I guess I tend to press things into place too firmly.
Lovely combination! If you find that the thread isn't strong enough to hold up to the diamonds, try using nylon coated wire. There are some super fine wires available, and they will definitely withstand wear. You just need to make sure that the crimps hold up to the fine cable; I usually do two crimps rather than just one for a little more security. Beadalon carries a .010 and a .013 size wire that work pretty well with teeny tiny gemstones.
Very pretty Linda! My own journey with 2 strands of white Tahitians separated by little diamonds continues. I think I'm on the 4th? broken strand, sigh. NOT the fault of the various valiant stringers; it's those little diamonds )#@(&)%)&)^@# ... but so pretty ... This last break, the little devils broke while carefully resting neatly in their bed, unworn!!!
Linda, Bravo to you for persisting with your Tanzanite and Diamond necklace. Some of the holes are so so tiny in the high-end gemstone beads, augh!! I understand your frustration! Agree with Jersey Pearl, designer wire may be the thinest/strongest option. It does drape quite nicely.
With both designer wire and powerpro you can compare break strengths (ie, 5#) and diameters.

Cathy, gosh, so sorry to hear of your trials with your strands, are you able to wear them at all?
Wonderful project, Linda! I hope you’re able to solve the issues with the stringing, because it’s a beautiful design.
Beautiful necklace Linda. I love the rich color of the tanzanites. I understand how easily strands become broken when working with smaller gemstone beads. I think they just aren't totally smooth on the inside which leads to them shredding the thread sometimes.
I also prefer fine beading wire with gemstone beads. The drape isn't quite the same as thread, but they are easier to string, and more secure. I like Soft Touch for the really fine beads.
Is the fine beading wire stiff enough to use without a needle? It sounds like I'll have to try it. I've been working on several things lately. Here's another, tourmaline beads. Now if I'd only looked at Ocean's Cove before I started, I would probably have put in some pearls.
Is the fine beading wire stiff enough to use without a needle? It sounds like I'll have to try it. I've been working on several things lately. Here's another, tourmaline beads. Now if I'd only looked at Ocean's Cove before I started, I would probably have put in some pearls.
View attachment 72503 those slices!! The wire is definitely stiff enough to use without a needle.
Those are lovely, Linda. You can't tease us with photos and no neck shots!
Wow, that's a beautiful necklace, Linda! I love Larimar. The fan is such a pretty accent.