New course on cultured pearls


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
The Cultured Pearl Association of America is offering a course in all types of cultured pearls. It can be found at At the moment you can sign up for the course for free. It is fairly comprehensive and covers Akoya, fresh water, Tahitian, SS and goldens. Just a wealth of information and history as well as pictures and videos. I couldn't stop reading. I feel it is a fabulous resource.
This looks wonderful! Thank you so much for the free registration, too, I just signed up. Looking forward to working my way through it.
I read through it all yesterday -- it's good! Nice videos (some I recognized) and photos as well. Lots of typos though.
So much good information ! I'm half way through .. I was thinking that this is like a Beta test and so my comments are not meant for publishing .. just a few thoughts on the sections lol

That's right, PG members are getting the first look at the course. At the moment comments are sent to us, but in most cases we won't publish them -- unless it makes sense to make them visible.
I just finished. My only suggestion would be to include more pictures please! Fine vs not so fine specimens maybe of each pearl type, and maybe pictures of the different color variations (maybe along with examples of strong vs not so strong overtone, orient vs none). Maybe even pictures of different types of pearls next to each other with tips to tell the difference between them (as people often come here confused about that). It's hard when you don't see lots of examples of varying pearl qualities to be able to judge these things. I always hope to come out of courses being able to tell the difference between good vs mediocre quality examples of whatever I'm learning about. Sadly, every time I do this, my tastes become more expensive! (2-buck chuck just doesn't taste the same once you've tried a top quality Napa Cabernet!)
I just finished. My only suggestion would be to include more pictures please! Fine vs not so fine specimens maybe of each pearl type, and maybe pictures of the different color variations (maybe along with examples of strong vs not so strong overtone, orient vs none). Maybe even pictures of different types of pearls next to each other with tips to tell the difference between them (as people often come here confused about that). It's hard when you don't see lots of examples of varying pearl qualities to be able to judge these things. I always hope to come out of courses being able to tell the difference between good vs mediocre quality examples of whatever I'm learning about. Sadly, every time I do this, my tastes become more expensive! (2-buck chuck just doesn't taste the same once you've tried a top quality Napa Cabernet!)

Excellent advice!
I loved the idea of this Course and the way Jeremy presented it at this year's Pearl Ruckus. Both of you have done a tremendous job and I want to thank you -on behalf of myself and countless people- for this Amazing Benefit.
Thank you again and KUDOS!
Thanks Douglas!

Btw, we have a lot more photos to add and more modules. The final step will be to add the quizzes and tests.

We opened this up to the PG community at the Ruckus because this community is the best focus group in the world. In each lecture there is a place to post notes at the bottom. We want as many comments, suggestions and discovered typos as possible.

The full announcement is coming soon. There is more ;)
A pearly course- what fun!

Are you all just requesting general comments or also nitpicky line-by-line editing suggestions?