just arrived...2 weeks late


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2019
My wife fianally let me in on the fact that while she likes all these white pearls I've been getting her she REALLY wanted some nice Tahitians (I guess like most males my mind reading gene didn't develop) so I bought these in an auction on the west coast.
I bought them in "plenty" of time to get them here for our anniversary but thanks to our "visitor" from abroad the USPS was slow to get them here. Luckily she loved them so the wait was forgiven! They came with a receipt from PP dated 2005 and were described as AA+ 12-13.7mm. How would you all describe the color?


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A few close ups.


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To my eye that color is deep silvery blue ... but at 12 - 13.7mm, mostly I'd call it FABULOUS!
To my eye that color is deep silvery blue ... but at 12 - 13.7mm, mostly I'd call it FABULOUS!

Thanks Cathy!
I have a question relating to my last post, are these too big to suspend an enhancer comprised of a bale , short baguette diamond chain and our 11mm silver? do the colors work?


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Well ... I think the colors are lovely together., different yet in the same family. The pearl is smaller, so the setting might be crucial; I think it has merit to explore! Fair warning; I like the odd, strange, and weird ...so long as they're beautiful .... your mileage may vary :)
Those are really beautiful. Your wife will get a lot of use out of them, they will look great with everything.
Never seen a Tahitian pearl strand so uniform in blue colors before. Are they natural colors?
Never seen a Tahitian pearl strand so uniform in blue colors before. Are they natural colors?

I have to assume that if the receipt that came with it represents this strand they are natural color. The photos don't really convey the variations accurately. I will try to get an outdoor shot in natural light when the sun comes back out.
I was wondering after looking at threads showing new strands (and comparing with the single) whether the luster on these may have "mellowed" with age/use or is it still decent?


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WOW! Blues and purples and teals. Gorgeous.

I think the single pearl is too small and too pale to work with that necklace as a drop. I think the strand is a knockout by itself.

That single pearl screens RING to me, still.
We request, Massrog, but don't always get, lol, a white paper towel or cloth for a background, as it shows the subtle colors better. The green/tan doesn't do a thing for the pearls, which are lovely! If you email PP with photos, it's possible that Jeremy might even recall where this lot of pearls came from. Some years ago, but more recently that 2005 if I recall correctly, PP had some gorgeous Dark Blue Tahitians from Rikitea.
Pearls that are cared for properly won't lose luster noticeably. The size and of these pearls would indicate they are likely from the 2nd harvest or even 3rd harvest, without the intense luster one often sees in 1st harvest pearls. I'd say the lovely color and great size more than make up for slightly lower luster.
Like some of the others, I also feel the single pearl doesn't work well with this strand.
We request, Massrog, but don't always get, lol, a white paper towel or cloth for a background, as it shows the subtle colors better. The green/tan doesn't do a thing for the pearls, which are lovely! If you email PP with photos, it's possible that Jeremy might even recall where this lot of pearls came from. Some years ago, but more recently that 2005 if I recall correctly, PP had some gorgeous Dark Blue Tahitians from Rikitea.
Pearls that are cared for properly won't lose luster noticeably. The size and of these pearls would indicate they are likely from the 2nd harvest or even 3rd harvest, without the intense luster one often sees in 1st harvest pearls. I'd say the lovely color and great size more than make up for slightly lower luster.
Like some of the others, I also feel the single pearl doesn't work well with this strand.

As always I am learning with every post! Thank you!!! I finally got up the courage to raid the table linens and took a few shots. You guys might see a difference but my eyes don't pick it up. Would this be as Cees said a consistent strand?


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It's well matched but now you can definitely see color variations all along, hints of greens, bronzes, pink, cherry and more, along with the blues. Subtle but there; at least to my eye. The luster shows up better too, and with pearl size, I agree with everything Pattye said. If you do still want to coordinate with that lovely new single pearl, how about a pendant to wear closer to the neck, inside the layer of this pearl strand, to compliment it and accent with the lighter color? That pendant could always have an enhancer component to the bail, to add versatility, to wear on a close chain, or another, smaller strand of other pearls. Just an idea.
It's well matched but now you can definitely see color variations all along, hints of greens, bronzes, pink, cherry and more, along with the blues. Subtle but there; at least to my eye. The luster shows up better too, and with pearl size, I agree with everything Pattye said. If you do still want to coordinate with that lovely new single pearl, how about a pendant to wear closer to the neck, inside the layer of this pearl strand, to compliment it and accent with the lighter color? That pendant could always have an enhancer component to the bail, to add versatility, to wear on a close chain, or another, smaller strand of other pearls. Just an idea.

Thanks again Cathy. You're thinking along the same lines that I am. I was planning to create a removable pendent for primary use on a baguette diamond single strand necklace that won't lay well (twists) unless weighted by a slide or pendent. I was trying to decide if the hinged bale would need to be big enough to fit over that center pearl or to just use it on her Akoyas.
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Here's what John at Pearl Paradise designed for me. Not sure if this is the right size for your light blue pearl. It started life as the finding for the Pearl Paradise Embrace Pendant, which is a cage style that opens, so you can switch out pearls for different looks. PP website says it holds a 9 - 10mm pearl. I wanted an enhancer as the center pearl on my "rose gold" freshwater strand was a good bit bigger, with some unique overtones I didn't want to lose by removing, yet wanted to hang the drop Newberry "made me buy" ... for which I forever thank Newberry LOL. Nothing quite worked, till John had the idea to use this finding. In my case, he suggested a little gemstone bling, so added that between the finding and the pearl pin, then set the pearl on. It's a ruby on one side, reverses to an emerald, and comes off to wear on something else, or wear the strand alone. I never do, as it came out so unexpectedly pretty :). Not saying this is what you want, and you want to work with that diamond necklace, but it might spark some ideas for other designs, or help you rule out what you DON'T want :). Not a great photo, as the colors are really washed out, but gives the general idea well enough. CathyRoseGoldWEnhancerADJ.jpg
Also, it's much prettier in person. This photo gives the impression there's a lot of space around the center pearl, especially at the botton, but when worn, the finding nestles so nicely around the center pearl, without that big gap at all.
That is gorgeous, Cathy!!!

+1 I was thinking cage for the silver and hanger up top but that application is brilliant!
Who did the actual production of the piece? Do they sell the findings themselves? I have found a dearth of options either premade or for components!
John Dwight at Pearl Paradise, where I bought both the loose pearl and the strand, did the work for me. I think Hisano was involved as well :). I had the pearls for close to a year; I'd brought home from a Ruckus. An enhancer design was percolating in my brain, I sent back to John during a slower time, and he had it for a while, mulling over various ideas, till his brilliant idea. The cage is a standard PP finding; look for the Embrace pendant, and it already opens to put pearls in or out. So that part became the enhancer, intact, to go over the center pearl of the strand, and John designed and soldered on the bezel for the gems, and the pearl pin to set the rainbow drop. He soldered those pieces on toward the back so the cage could still open, right above the gems to take on and off. I would think you could do the reverse, with the cage at the bottom for the silver pearl, and above that an enhancer finding/bail soldered on but I'm not a jeweler ... just a girl with too much imagination, as my hubby says :) Also take the word "soldered on" etc. as NON-technical terms ... :) If nothing else, maybe it will get your ideas flowing.