Hello PG and here are some of my pearls...

Originally it was a three row necklace, so there is another one a bit longer that can be used without a clasp.
Yes, I'm going to redo it, but first I'm going to give them a very good bath, which they very much need.....

Knotty Panda has kindly offered to help me by sending proper needles and thread.

I'm very grateful to you all for the knowledge and information I gathered here on this very important forum.
Thank you all PG members !
Nora, I would love to see a close-up shot of those pearls if you can manage it. They are gorgeous. ;)
Blair, Caitlin,
I'll try tomorrow morning. Promise. :)
I'd love to see a close-up of those beauties as well.
Nora, they are really lovely. Thanks for posting the pic and look forward to the close-up.
Diadiva, welcome to the Forum, and thanks for sharing a nice selection of your beauties with us. I especially liked your neck shots.
As promised photographed with a Nikon D90 in natural light, open shade with a 18-200 lens at 200mm.

Ester's Natural Pearls.jpg

Natural Pearls of Esther.jpg

This is the best I could do.......
There you go!

There you go!

Truly - this is the benchmark I was looking for. :)

PurlGurl - yes, indeed they are cars
Heidi -exactly so. (if ever challenged by a man re outdated shoes, purses, pearls, or abundant craft items, one only needs to call to mind the cubic area Jay's Classics occupy, and how frequently they're taken out for an airing. you'll cheer up immediately. perspectives! :D)

way to go Nora!
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Is this last pic taken after their bath? Lovely, lovely - what would I do without the vicarious enjoyment/pleasure of these pics before bedtime? I'm sure they promote sweeter sleep.
No Lisa, they were not washed yet. I have to find the right soap.
They are very dirty.
Diadiva, welcome to the Forum, and thanks for sharing a nice selection of your beauties with us. I especially liked your neck shots.


Nora, Wow! wow! wow! thank you for sharing, the lustre and colour is just mmmmmmmmmmmm! and a double strand to boot!

Nora, just like we have a Pearl-Guide forum, "soapers" have their own online communities and forums - heres one http://www.soapmakingforum.com/ you should be able to locate advice on where to buy soapwort etc local to you.

I use pure soap flakes to clean pearls, I put them in an old stocking
let them soak and very gently clean them and this has served me well.

Nora, Wow! wow! wow! thank you for sharing, the lustre and colour is just mmmmmmmmmmmm! and a double strand to boot!

Nora, just like we have a Pearl-Guide forum, "soapers" have their own online communities and forums - heres one http://www.soapmakingforum.com/ you should be able to locate advice on where to buy soapwort etc local to you.

I use pure soap flakes to clean pearls, I put them in an old stocking
let them soak and very gently clean them and this has served me well.

Hey! I am so glad to hear a plug for cleaning pearls with soap. I have always preferred castile for cleaning pearls, but I am not a soaper. What kind do you use?
I love you guys when you share your esoteric knowledge! Does soapwort have a pleasant scent? Wiki reference didn't mention that.