Color shifting pearl necklaces all sold out?

lisa c

Perpetual Pearl Student
Jun 28, 2009
I did my "goodnight pearl paradise" scan tonight, looking to see if any colorshifting pearl necklaces were left. NO. Woe fills my soul.

Please, if you bought any of these, especially silver pink, please post pictures so I can have my goodnights back.

Also, FW metallics, single color 6.5-7.o for 134USD - Gone. Are they gone for good?
Hi Lisa,

I am very impressed that you didn't buy any of the color shifting yourself. Such a show of will power and restraint!

What are the pearls you did get (described in another post)? It sounds like they are loose pearls. What are your plans for them?

- Karin
No such thing as a show of will power - it's a show of not enough money accumulated!

The pearls are 2 beautiful pinky-gold tear drops, I've never seen such perfectly formed teardrops except in glass, and one silver pink drop of glorious luster, all approx 9mm diameter. The lustre is beautiful, the surfaces are blemish free, ahhhhh...that ahhh is a groan of delight.

!!!They're so well formed and balanced that once they start rolling, they keep rolling. Seriously, they take off rolling whenever they get the chance!!! No exagerration.

Right now, I've got no firm plans. I'm still in the rolling around in my hand stage. And, I have to admit, Gawking stage!

p.s. I've been trying to be more judicious and conservative in my use of exclamation points and adjectives lately. I give up, dawgonnit. I had to come back to this post and do the pearls justice with exclamation points, and bold, and slants.
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Dear ladies,

Had such a smirk on my face reading your exchange; good to know I am not the only one trawling the net for pearls till way too late and dreaming of more! What are we going to do with our impressive arsenal of pearls? My one *regret* (cue sigh) about joining PG is that I have sinced moved on from lowly freshwater nuggets to tahitians and mabe cortezes (all that I can afford for now) and now am coveting more more more ... Oh my poor pockets :)
Ha ha ha hahahahahahaha! Smirk, was it? Yeah, I could go to worse places with my innate insomnia than PG. Smirk away, Pearl-sister, it's nice to have company.

Plus the dilemna of what the h*** I'm supposed to do with the lowly FW pearls that I was going to make bracelets of, to sell, and finance - something, I don't know what. With all the accumulated knowledge here acquired, and the exquisite designs I've seen, and first rate pearls, I've become a first rate snob. Now I feel embarrassed:confused: to even think about selling anything but perfection:confused::(, and I've already promised my 2 best childhood girlfriends pearl necklaces of the only decent round pearls I have:eek:which is fine but what am I gonna do with everyone else?, and my son's fishtank is looking like the lowly pearls final destiny.

I've got to figure something out. Inspiration is possible. It's been a steep learning curve, ok:eek:. Onward and upward:)!

I've tried to sleep, I'm giving up and going for coffee. Maybe I'll sleep tonight at a normal time! I'll have to find a new bunch of pearls to gaze at before bedtime, without my favorites...I think I'll make some sort of dangle arrangement for my PP trio, so they can sparkle at me before bedtime.
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Pay no attention to the worries behind the curtain. I'm sure everyone goes through a spell like this in their career.

I remembered I have some small oval pearls from Inger at Rainbow Pearls that are pretty. There's nothing wrong with them!
You all crack me up! Honora Pearls are still selling dyed ringed and baroque freshwaters hand over fist, not the primo pearls either, for $50 to over $100. Perhaps try adding a few pretty crystals or rondelles spaced along the strand. Seems nearly everyone likes a little bling these days! Just a suggestion, but Lisa, don't you dare throw those pearls in the fish tank!
I *believe* there are a few pieces left. Because we had under a hundred strands we kept them pretty well hidden on the Website. There is no link to the page except from our Facebook page and via the private-offer email we sent out.
Hi Pattye, and thanks for the info and encouragement. Even if you are getting some laughs out of our sufferings, you're still Lovable, to the max. The fish and turtles will resent you, but I love you!

So, that's where Pearl Dreams got thelink she sent me! Now there's a funny, Jeremy! a retailer who hides his goodies for his fans - you're one in a million. XOs
We don't typically hide things like that ;) But these strands are a one-time deal and the most labor-intensive (personally) line I've ever made. So I really wanted them to only go to people that would really want them, understand them, and appreciate them. That's why everyone who came to the ruckus left with a strand!
Jeremy: Last weekend we stopped in to window shop at a very high end jewelry store in Greenwich (Betteridge)-- it's not much different from visiting a museum. Stunning pieces, fabulously expensive.

Anyway I had my colorshifting strand on and a sales associate commented on their beautiful color. :)

Question for you: are there still loose pearls in the gold-pink-peach if I want to order earrings?
There you have it - Jeremy, our own sweet-hearted Machiavelli;), and it's kind of fun being in on a secret stash!
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I would check with Mia on the loose, but I'm pretty sure we do have them. Before drilling them we set aside a couple of cards of loose pairs and we didn't advertise them with the strands, so there should be more.
In reference to that learning curve I mentioned - I'm still on that curve, because ever since I posted that I regret spending any money on anything but heirloom pearls, I've come to regret that statement.

Over the past few days I've realized that my pearls (that aren't heirloom by any means) have given me a lot of pleasure. That's a lot of pleasure I wouldn't have had if I'd waited to purchase only heirloom pearls.

Not only that but after reading Jeremy's post about how he wanted the color shifting pearls to go to people that would appreciate them for all that they were, the love for pearls and his work, and maybe the shared effort and hours with Hisano, I realized it's the emotions they call from us, that we invest in them, that bring forth meaning, along with the intrinsic value. The shared labors and joys, and product of Love.

They're all steps on a road, as in living for the beauty of now.

Speaking of Now, I recognize that this seemed a profound moment for me, but it's only a rehashing of what thousands of people have had "AHA"-Moments about for centuries. Humbling.
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Thanks, Pattye for validating my (not very original) AHA moment. I find it's really (too?) easy to pour out a heart amongst kind, sweet friendly people here. It's also easy to put a foot or two in my Big Mouth Frog mouth:eek:.
Lisa, my sole sister! I love your musings and know what you mean when it comes to my own feet!

Pearls are a way to the door in the top of the head. A path of enlightenment and beauty! and Mystical Experiences. Among other things.:eek: ;)

This style of smiley just doesn't get it!
In reference to that learning curve I mentioned - I'm still on that curve, because ever since I posted that I regret spending any money on anything but heirloom pearls, I've come to regret that statement.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Lisa, I'm one of those people that speaks first, thinks after - lol (I'm always regretting things I've said/typed). Don't worry, I'm not one to judge ANYBODY, and certainly not on this website. I really like everyone on here. I think you all seem like such cool people. Glad you've all welcomed me so much! :)

What are heirloom pearls though? Would that just refer to quality that is worthy of handing down in the family?

- Jodie -