Pearl harvest in Indonesia


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
Some of you may already know that Betty Sue King and I were recently fortunate to be invited to help with the harvest of south sea pearls on a pearl farm in Indonesia.
I have just finished the long blog entry with many photos. it is here
It was an incredible experience. Hard work but truly memorable.
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Edited to add:
People are getting a warning or computer problems when they click on the link, so beware.
See down-thread posts by JerseyPearl, Marianne and newberry.


Off to read it now....:)

Very interesting, Wendy!
Click to enlarge the photos, folks.
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I am sure the blog post is antivirus software won't let me open the page. And ironically, it gives me this warning: Screen Shot 2018-03-20 at 7.56.13 PM.jpg I believe my bank account may be trying to tell me something! It's dangerous because I'll want to spend $$$!
I did get your report to open, Wendy, though it took a while to load. Completely worth the wait; so fascinating!!! Thank you so much for sharing :)
If you can't get on from the link here you might be able to access direct from the website home page where the blog is in the social box to the right side.
I have no idea why it is being blocked - it's a standard wordpress blog
If you can't get on from the link here you might be able to access direct from the website home page where the blog is in the social box to the right side.
I have no idea why it is being blocked - it's a standard wordpress blog

So sorry, Pearlescence, I have tried to look at your blog through your own website, it don't work too. My antivirus (Kapersky) says that it's a malware page. Maybe something wrong is staying in your link?
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How exciting, Wendy! Thanks so much for sharing your travel experience with us!
Well, others can so maybe the problem is your settings?
The link to the blog is on the PC home page on the right side in the social box
I use Safari, so I don't think the browser is the issue. I loved your post, Wendy :)
I was able to view Wendy's blog from my outdated Safari browser on an even older laptop that is now giving me the spinning beach ball of death on my e-mail account and simply refuses to open many sites...
That's 2 people who have had computer problems when accessing the blog.
I updated my post #2 to include a caution, since we don't really know what is going on with the linked site.

Come to think of it, I guess I had problems too, but didn't put 2 and 2 together until now. I kept getting a message that Safari had quit loading content, or some such message. I figured it was just my older software program being persnickety.