Pearl exhibition in Paris


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Has anybody been on the pearl exhibition in Paris?

Is it the same that has been in the New York Museum of Natural History several years ago? Do they have a catalogue and would it be th same as the big one from NY? In other words, is it worth making a big jump there if I have the NY catalogue?

check with Dfrey or Cliclasp, our french speaking members. I think I read about this exhibition on some thread on the Forum.
Has anybody been on the pearl exhibition in Paris?

Is it the same that has been in the New York Museum of Natural History several years ago? Do they have a catalogue and would it be th same as the big one from NY? In other words, is it worth making a big jump there if I have the NY catalogue?

It does appear to me to be possibly the same exhibit ( which has been on world tour for a couple years now AMNH logo and it does does mention that AMNH and Field museum of CHicago collaberation.. (not exact translation but you get the Idea, My Mother in law would be very impressed I figured that much out.) it's on the bottom of the page that is why I think this.

Yes, there is a book that goes with this exhibit its called Pearls a Natural History. ISBN Number is 0-8109-4495-2, Its a wonderful book. Can be pricey.. Suggest looking for it on used book websites, I bought mine from one even thogut it was a brand new book for a fraction of the cost.

Go to the Exhibit if you can I missed it when it was in Toronto found out two days after it had left it was there!

After brousing the site maybe more stuff has been added? Not sure on that one.

Hope this helps
Very nice! I just got this book last week from Even not so terribly pricely, although new :). I think it is the same exhibition, so no use fo me to make a special jump to Paris. Especially considering the fact that this one seems to be all in French - and my French is at a restaurant level :)

The current book will be enough, I guess.

Thank you, Satine!

I have this book-- I kept borrowing it from the library, and finally just went and bought a copy on eBay. Definitely worth reading and re-reading (nice illustrations, too.)

Thanks for the link to the exhibition website! I had to dust off my high school French, but found it interesting-- especially the section about research being done on the uses of nacre to repair human bones.
Hi Olga,

My French consists of a deer in the headlights look whenever anyone speaks it.

Yeah, you got the book! Its one of my favorites! Enjoy! I would love to be able to see this exhibit with all the pearls and some very elegant Renaisance Jewelry... le sigh..


check with Dfrey or Cliclasp, our french speaking members. I think I read about this exhibition on some thread on the Forum.

I have been out from this forum for a while
Very busy with my clasps.
I could'nt say in what extend it is different from USA or Canada exhibition, but it is wonderful, and so is Paris ...!!!
I have put a thread about it when it started

and I have made a special page for this forum, to look at. Enjoy !

The exhibition lasts till march 10th, and I can send the exhibition book for what I buy it at the museum + postage,
book is in french with fabulous photos

Anyone needing anything from Paris can send me an email
