Need Opinions on Pearl Klonk



I was wondering, given a chance to buy klonks, what would you choose?

Grade AA - White FW Strand Off-Round, a bit potatoey
Size: 13.5mm-16.5mm
(Looks round when worn)


Grade AA - White FW Strand Round to Off-Round
Size: 12.5mm-15.5mm

Price is the same.
I think I would base it on which looked best. Do you have pictures? Are they from the same vendor and of the same quality?
Hi Casey,

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture. I haven't bought anything yet and didn't bring a camera when I saw them. Quality is the same. Both strands belong to the same hank.
I was wondering, given a chance to buy klonks, what would you choose?

Grade AA - White FW Strand Off-Round, a bit potatoey
Size: 13.5mm-16.5mm
(Looks round when worn)


Grade AA - White FW Strand Round to Off-Round
Size: 12.5mm-15.5mm

Price is the same.

Um...I would prefer the round option. In FW wouldn't it be more valuable?
If the first strand really does look round when worn, I would be tempted to go with that one. If you're going to klonk, klonk big ;)
I think in klonks bigger is better. Klonks are hard to find. Grab them when you see them. People are a bit more forgiving on shape when they are so large. It is hard to be round when they are huge.
Thanks for all the help, everyone!

If I have excess funds, I'd get both! :D

I saw the Klonks Sunday night and I went back to buy the 13.5mm-16.5mm just now and it's gone! The 12.5mm-15.5mm is still there but the seller is suddenly asking for a higher price so I declined.:(

Anyway, bought one from another seller. It's not as good but it's cheaper and it's still big anyway with good luster so I went for it. 12.5mm-16.5mm (actually, only one pearl is 16.5mm).:eek:


  • klonk.JPG
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Up close. I placed my 11mm SSP studs beside the necklace.:)


  • klonk up close.JPG
    klonk up close.JPG
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Hi - I think your klonks are pretty cool. They made me whip mine off from around my neck - mine look very similar, bought in China, largest pearl 14.8, most around 13.5.... I love mine, and they have the most amazing orient for inexpensive pearls. Won't post photos, coz they truly look nearly identical. Did you buy yours from a local seller?? Do we ever talk prices on the forum?? Sorry if that's bad form, not sure of the rules... Thanks, and I hope you love wearing yours!
I think in klonks bigger is better. Klonks are hard to find. Grab them when you see them. People are a bit more forgiving on shape when they are so large. It is hard to be round when they are huge.

Oh I didn't know that. What qualifies as klonkhood - more than 12mm?
Hi Perlas
The one you got is great! Very excellent klonk! Be sure to string it on something non-stretchy (silk is very stretchy, espcially with klonks........)

Hi Airdancer
Small pearls clink -medium pearls clank and large pearls klonk. 12mm + or - is a klonker.
I don't think I've ever encountered FW klonks. Are they very rare? Are they also pure nacre or are they nucleated?
Yes, klonks are rare. They are not nucleated and have to live in mussels for years to get that big. Then most of them aren't very round by the time they get that size. I really high quality klonk goes for beaucoup bucks- maybe similar to Tahitians- though I am not positive about that.
Hi - I think your klonks are pretty cool. They made me whip mine off from around my neck - mine look very similar, bought in China, largest pearl 14.8, most around 13.5.... I love mine, and they have the most amazing orient for inexpensive pearls. Won't post photos, coz they truly look nearly identical. Did you buy yours from a local seller?? Do we ever talk prices on the forum?? Sorry if that's bad form, not sure of the rules... Thanks, and I hope you love wearing yours!

Hi Nerida,
I just bought it from a local seller (in Greenhills, actually!). I think you can discuss price in the forum, I just don't usually do because I'm at advantaged location and prices in South East Asia are different. Caitlin was able to buy her black FW klonks at US$10, though:p. Sometimes, it's cheaper if I buy locally than in HK, although the FW pearls here actually comes from HK or China. It's not like I'm buying a hank, anyway! I think it's because the local sellers have been in the pearl business since I could remember and they buy in one big bulk and split the loot among themselves!