My First Attempt


Well-known member
May 12, 2012
I'm not going to pretend I have mad wire-wrapping skills, in fact, I didn't do very well, but it was my first attempt and I think they are at least wearable!!! I've been so intrigued by these chinese "kasumi-like" pearls, I puchased a few off of Etsy with the intention of wiring up some of my own jewelry. It's not as easy as it sounds to get it to look nice! I'll probably re-do these at some point, but I thought I'd post some pics of my first attempt for posterity :D I can see how this can become addictive!!!



The pearls are interesting, overall I like the color and the luster, not as many overtones as I had hoped but they weren't particularly expensive, and a good starter set to practice on :)
Nice job malakity! Like any skill, wire wrapping just takes practice :) I started with copper wire..... lots of copper wire!
They look much better than my first wire- attempts!

- Karin
Indeed very good first attempt.

DK :)