luster over nacre thickness?

thanks everyone! i havent worn it out yet... perhaps tomorrow... :)

Fabulous! I want one, really.

bas, i have been drooling over your collection at price scope!

if u really want one, i can check with my jeweller how much the "twin" sells for. but i have to say in advance the effect will not be the same because the brilliance of the 2 pearls i got are so well matched they look so good together!

i am truly addicted and i my liking for pearls have recently expanded to tahitians! i am truly in deep trouble!
Despite your addiction, you are very disciplined, and it shows in the consistent quality of your jewels. You really need to stop calling yourself a newbie.
I love your ring - besides the beauty of the pearls the design is elegant and classic. Wear it proudly and share it with the world!