Effect of sunscreen on pearls?

Pearl Dreams

Pearl Enthusiast
Sep 24, 2007
Now that the weather is turning warm enough for open-neck tops, I'm wondering what effect the sunscreen I routinely wear in the spring/summer may have on my pearls.

I realize cosmetics generally can damage pearls, but does anyone know if sunscreen is more problematic than ordinary lotions? And what do you ladies who live in warmer climates year-round do about this?

I would hate to "park" my pearls until fall, but sunscreen is not optional.
This is just my opinion, but since there are chemicals in sunscreen, I am concerned that those chemicals could damage my pearls. It makes sense. So, in warm weather, I don't wear my pearls during the day.
I wear my pearls when the sun goes down (oh, how strange that sounds). And..........I make sure to wash off all the sun screen from my neck prior to putting on my pearls.:p

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Most of my outings (family trips, errands) are during the day, and that is when I tend to wear my jewelry; I rarely go out in the evening. But your suggestion is logical. I may need to switch to being an evening/at home pearl wearer during the summer.
Most of my outings (family trips, errands) are during the day, and that is when I tend to wear my jewelry; I rarely go out in the evening. But your suggestion is logical. I may need to switch to being an evening/at home pearl wearer during the summer.

Similar situation for me. I am inside (office) most of the day, but I put on sunscreen year-round, on top of my facial moisturizer. However, if sunscreen harms the pearls then I won't be able to wear them to work. :(
Hi members,

here in Sweden it gets very seldom so warm that I need a sunscreen but neither do I like the idea of NOT WEARING my pearls during daytime, so why not buy yourself a chic hat that gives shadow to your face and neck?

A lot better then being without pearls and as all cremes/lotions can do harm to the pearls, the only I use on a regular basis is a deodorant and a creme on my feet. The other parts have to make do without help but nice clothes that can help.

Just a suggestion....
I was interested in the Burt's Bee's product and checked that link. I see it contains titanium dioxide (which interestingly enough is the mineral rutile) as sun-protectant makeup products sometimes do. I've used similar products before. What concern me though is this statement:

This product may discolor clothing.

If it can discolor clothing, it may discolor pearls.:(

I love my pearls but I love my skin health more. My mother has had several skin cancers removed; I would prefer to avoid that if at all possible.

The hat is a good idea, as long as one is not where one would get a lot of reflected rays (e.g. near water.)
The current recommendation is to wear the pearls only >20 min after applying any products. And to wipe down the pearls with a clean damp sterile cloth as Jeremy puts it. I never go out without sunscreen, and you can see the blob of sunscreen on the pearl afterwards. I just wipe it down and none of my pearls have been less lustrous than they originally were. I can't say chemicals are beneficial to pearls, but I certainly would not forgo sunscreen in favor of jewellery.