Dead Sea Pearls into Retail Markets

At first I really believed it was possible for someone to resurrect (yes, the pun is intended) the "Dead Sea Pearl"...some people have been credited for resurrecting other pearls so I just assumed it was possible.
What an amazing display of imagery: Sodom, pearls that absorb light...the only thing missing was that the pearls could actually "eat up" the beauty of other pearls! Fortunately for all of us the "Markets are Dead" (economically speaking), thus such a pearl should be highly coveted by illustrious financial operators and talented politicians :eek:

So, this actually reminds me of the "Killer Pearl" legend, which originated in the late 1800's and is actually a Guaymas legend. So, in honor of Eli & Nora's April Fools Pearly Jest I will have to write about this legend in the Cortez Pearl Blog (once I finish up with the "El Mechudo" legend).

I will probably have nightmares tonight...undead pearls...yikes! ;)
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Thanks Josh and Pearl Dreams!
Douglas, knew you could come up with a story. Waiting!