9-10mm Gem lavender 2 strands (need advice too)


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
I ventured into the wholesale area at the gem show today, and I scored 2 lavender strands. One is very unique, as it is coppery/gold/green/lavender. The vendor had more deep purple strands, but this was the only one like it--totally unique--I'm in love with it! The pearls average about 9.5mm. (Inge, this IS the perfect size for me:))

The only issue is that it's 16 inches, and I wanted to make a longish strand. So, I bought another one, and I'm going to try to make it work. The strands are not exact matches, but the lighter strand has individual pearls that go very well with my coppery/gold lavender. I'm going to try to match these individuals as best as I can--perhaps intersperse them throughout the necklace.

What do you think about me doing that? Is that a bad idea? Should I just leave it at 16 inches? I really want this to be my fun longer strand. I thought I could make a bracelet out of the remaining pearls. Each pearl is a hair different on the main strand, so I think this could work. I like that they're all unique from each other. The effect is so lovely to me. The orient and luster are INSANE. I photographed them next to my new 8mm white Freshadamas for reference.

They are unblemished with an awesome metallic luster and round. Photos don't do them justice. (sorry for the lousy photos!--I'm going to try that paper towel thing tomorrow.) They look much bigger in person too!

Thanks! I'd really appreciate any advice on what to do with these. Also, does anyone know where I can have these strung in Los Angeles?


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I wish the color would show more in the photos.
It's really hard to see in these. One strand looks more pink, but it's really a warmer lavender.


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Thank you! That's a fantastic idea. Do you know where I could have that
done in LA? Will pearl vendors make these for you if you didn't purchase pearls from them?

I tried to photograph them with flash. The color is exaggerated here.


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I love that strand! I?m quite into unusual colours of pearls such as blue, green and unusual mixes like that... I also like the size, makes me more determined to get big gem freshwaters...
Hi Kaywal - I love the colour of the "main" strand. It is wonderful to get that gorgeous green tone in lavender pearls - good choice! I also like Terry's suggestion - that's a fantastic suite of options!

I'm sure someone will chime in offering to do the stringing for you. You could, of course, learn to do it yourself - it really isn't hard, and I pretty much learned frm Henrietta's book, and the postings in this forum. I figure if you are even remotely into needlework, stringing pearls won't be difficult for you. They are such gorgeous pearls, it would be great to be able to change them around as you want.
Congratulation for the find! The coppery purple is such a beautiful shade...

I am not sure how the mixing of pearls will work, but it should be easy to try it out - just undo both strands, mix the pearls and play around with them ;)

The resulting strand could also be lengthened by stringing small (2-3mm) pearls between the large ones instead of knots. The 'strategy' makes the larger pearls stand out, I think. But again, it is something to try out.
Kaywal - maybe use Sueki (and others') method of temporarily stringing on Beadalon or some other wire so you can play with the mixing up of the pearls, and also to find your ideal length. Just a thought. I like Valeria's idea, top.
Hi Kaywal,

The pearls average about 9.5mm. (Inge, this IS the perfect size for me)

Didn?t I say so?:)
However, if you are doing a regular strand you can knot it yourself but if the mistery clasps are involved you should leave it to an expert like Terry?s company or PP or some other of our vendors.

I think you should play around, I don?t think it will be impossible to match different shades of a certain colour. The finished strand will have a life of its own because of the different shades, I think.

The strands really look lovely with an outstanding luster that even outshine the Freshadamas!

Let us know once you have decided and go and buy yourself Henriettas book over Amazon. it will come in handy for many other reasons...:)
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came to think about the "perfect" length for your necklace. If you take a look at the last picture you posted (the strand lies around your neck), the strand does look like a Matinee length, I?d say with that kind of pearl size you shold go for a less longer strand, the pearls just wpuld "pop" more
you have so many pearls that you can make an Opera length, then the pearls also will "pop" but otherwise I think 17,5 - 18,5 inches would be perfect for this pearl size, the strand should not be shorter anyway! ;)

Advice: take the strand and "shorten it" all the time until you see the perfect length around your neck. Mind you, don?t forget that the knots will have a length of about 1 extra inch + the clasp length, so take it into account when looking... and take away the extra 2 cm or so...

Good luck!:)
Beautiful pearls, Kay, what a treasure! And so fun to design yourself, too!

so many pearls, so little time
Thanks for the tips!

I'm eager to wear them, but I'm also eager to play and learn to string. I think I'll get the book!

Nerida and Valeria, Thanks! I love the coppery color too. I'm going to try to capture the color better, and post more photos. The more I look at the strand the more I'm thinking the coppery should stay coppery. It's really well matched for such unique color. The vendor actually tried to dissuade me from buying the second strand!
He had matched the strand himself, and did not like the idea of me mixing them. He was great--I always trust someone who'll turn down a sale!

Jerin, Thanks! There are about 4 pearls in the other strand that are close in color. The main strand is also bigger. So, maybe I could add just a couple to make it over 18 inches. (with knotting and clasp) The clasp is a basic white gold filigree style-19mm long. I think you are right about the length. Do you think slightly smaller pearls are better for matinee length? That's what I thought I wanted to do for this strand, but I see they might be to big for that, and I really want to keep this strand the way it is color wise. I'm always game to play, though!

Thanks Pattye! I'm very exited to string my first strand.:)

I would still like to know a great place to have these strung in Los Angeles--just in case. I have no idea how I'd do the gold wire at the end. hmmm I don't know if I'm dextrous enough to do it!
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That copper-metallic lavender strand is not only beautiful, but it is rare and unique. If these were my pearls (and oh how I wish they were), I would be focused on keeping this as a "one of a kind" strand and not worry so much about the length. Honestly, it looked just fine "as is" around your neck and it will grow about an inch and a half with a clasp and knots. The fact that this strand is matched so well makes it very special.

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How fabulous you look in your new pearls! Pearlgully is so right. You don't really need to add an inch, the knots will do that for you.
Have you considered using about 4 pearls from the other necklace for earrings? Or just 2?
Please show us your finished necklace.
I have to agree with Gail that you should keep the copper metallic strand as is. The standard temporary pearl strand lengths are 16in and as said before they will be 17.5 -18in. finished with a clasp. These are "exotics" being round and well matched in color makes them very special. Great find.
Thanks Gail, DFrey, and Barbie! I think I will keep them as is. They are just too special to change. You are right! So, what will I do with the other strand? Another necklace? It is more pink, so I could have the pink/lavender and the copper for variety. Any other ideas? Thanks again for the input! I really appreciate it!