Cortez mabe pearl pendant


Baroque Pearl
Aug 1, 2006
Quite some time ago I bought a pendant from Douglas.
I needed it ( please, notice the word "needed"---not "wanted", but "needed"...LoL) to enhance my baroque akoyas from PP.
Not as a pendant... I'm not strong on wearing pendants.
It had right shape to become a clasp.

I never showed it to you and I think this Mabe needs some recognition!

Here it is:

What do you think ????
that mabe is fabulous. I am really fascinated by the Sea of Cortez pearls. Such interesting colours! Definitely shows off your akoyas :)
It seriously enhances the strand. Well done.
Very nice, well done!

DK :)
Your excellent collection never ceases to enthrall me. Everything you do enhances the look of the pearls. In fact, I recognized your style on this one before I looked at your name.....
Fabulous way to use a wonderful mabe! Big WOW factor!

I always neeeeeed to enlarge pics of your work, because I don't want to miss a single nuance, Ivona!
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Love the look of the mabe with those wonderful akoya pearls. Well Done!!
wow!! Thank you all!! I just wanted to show this Cortez beauty.....

Akoyas stand by themselves rather well, clasp or no clasp. They come from first batch of Jeremy's offerings to our group and I love their iridescence.

My Cortez perals collection is minimal: two round and two drops in grey/pink hue and this mabe. I like the most of mabes set in silver in Dugleas's shop, but I had to find something that I can wear...and it was not easy. This pendant was the only one that fitted my idea of wearable design.....after some adjustment... LoL......
I sometimes attach it to white pearls and wear the combination with silver akoya earrings. Looks good too.

Mostly I go for pieces that can be worn differently depending on my mood. I rarely use standard clasps that make a strand wearable just as a...strand. Endings on this akoya strand ( or variation of such a hook clasp) I put on most of my strands. It allows me to add different things in between, hooking one or multiple stands to it or to make long ropes from shorter strands. Places where they are joint look like it was meant to be this way since my little embllishements in-between them look like they were always there. If I add a circle in between the hooks, I can also hook the pendant to it and it gives me a more interesting way of wearing my single pearl pendants. Again: regular way ow wearing pearl enhancers on a strand of pearls is not something I like... Over the years I gathered plenty of those. Sometimes they are made out of broaches, sometimes from bottom part of dangling earrings. I'm always hunting little artistic shops for interesting (and inexpensive - since all my money is going for pearls) items.
Not everybody has to like this approach, but it's how I express my individuality......what can I say... I'm "special".. LoL....