Stringing on tripled thread, advice needed.

Pattye, Thanks for the tutorial! Very helpful.

My biggest problem is still working in the last end of the last knot. I think I'll just have to take a better look at the pearls when I restring them with gimp and find the one with the biggest hole and make sure it's in the spot where I need it to be.

Thank you all for your comments and help!
I've received the new gimp from Pattye. I just need time to try restringing. I'll post my results when done. Thanks y'all!
Another quick tip. You can do surgons knots with power pro or beaders secret. Just pass the needle through the overhand knot twice. Check out my new video for a great easy to do technique for this.

Another quick tip. You can do surgons knots with power pro or beaders secret. Just pass the needle through the overhand knot twice. Check out my new video for a great easy to do technique for this.


That's what I do too. However I find that the Jeweler's knot (as I call it) doesn't slide into position nicely just by pulling the threads apart-- I have to use the tweezers.

Pattye's gimp is bigger than my old gimp and I could fit the Beader's Secret through it easily.

I'm now an expert at knotting with 3 threads. I wasted an entire little doomathingy of Beader's Secret on this strand of pearls, because I kept cutting the thread the wrong length. I finally went overboard and used 7 times the length of the necklace, and that seemed to be just right / way too much, but at least I didn't run out 2 pearls from the end, GAH.

After restringing with the Orbit clasp the first time.


After restring with the Orbit clasp the second time, this time with gold gimp. I know I'm the only one who will notice, but I think it looks more professional, and will keep the thread cleaner. Plus, I feel like the clasp looks more anchored to the pearls this way, too.


I swear this necklace feels like it gets longer every time I restring it, but I think that's because I always make a mess of my first attempt.
I'm not sure what a jeweler's knot is. I just did your basic overhand knot, only with three threads. But it did eat up more length than a two thread version would have done.
That makes sense BWeaves, since the knot would be larger. It adds up since there are so many knots.

The Jeweler's knot is an overhand knot but the thread goes through the loop a second time before it's tightened.