Private Offer List

Your own UPS truck? A lot of people are going to be very happy this Christmas!;) Including my mom! (I bought several items last week.:))

I read in NY Times a while back that Blue Nile uses an armored vecihle service when delivering a diamond ring that exceeds a certain figure (I forgot whether it is $50K or $100K). Just curious whether you need to do that sort of special arrangement for the $100K SS pearls? Does the pearl concierge program have to arrange for special security or insurance?

Happy Holidays to all!
Special arrangements are needed for every piece over $50,000. Armored can service is very difficult, however, as there are so many places they will not deliver. Most of the time we hand-carry the piece where is needs to go. Someone in the office is always willing to jump on a plane and go somewhere at the drop of a hat (not me... it does not feel so romantic anymore).
The concierge service required additional insurance and security. We just launched the service this month and Kirsten had her first concierge appointment last weekend. It went very well - she is well suited for that sort of thing. She brought about a dozen strands in the size and range requested and sold one of them. She was interviewed about the service by a fashion editor at the Wall Street Journal last week so it may get some good press soon.
When I win the lottery, the first person I will call is Kirsten! (well,maybe the second). She has hand-picked many strands for me and I have always been amazed by her choices. She does not dissapoint!
I second this but if I were to win enough in a lottery, i sure would call on Kirsten, Jeremy, Mia and all the others too...:)
I'm kindda picky with my clasps and like to make them myself.
We should start a clasp thread because I can't find the clasp that doesn't have a downside. I would love to see a couple of yours though.
jshepherd said:
Anyway, back to work. We still have two days of shipping left to go. We graduated to our own UPS truck today.

Wow, Jeremy!

Happy Holidays and All The Best in 2008 to all the Pearl-Guide folks :)

I'm so looking forward to seeing these exotics, something to spice up the dreary, cold winter days.

And, hey, you don't need to win the lottery to have Kirsten help you out! She's taken time with me on even tiny purchases. I bugged the poor woman endlessly about a pair of white, baroque freshwater earrings and she was as helpful as if I had been buying one of those South Sea strands.
Caitlin Williams said:

We should start a clasp thread because I can't find the clasp that doesn't have a downside. I would love to see a couple of yours though.

Hmmmmm, I thought she meant she liked to knot her own strands and apply the clasp of her choice. Now you've got me wondering. I'll start the thread and you move the posts. High five!
I am officially laying out my sleeping bag and pressing my nose against the glass while I count down to February 15th. :D
You are going to sleep right through it! It is going out on February 5th, not the 15th! You scared me. I had to go back and check!

We decided to send it out on the 5th because we are doing a V-Day special for the general list on the 4th. The special (really special) one is on the 5th!
You're kidding. You're really going to open the loose pearl vault and turn me loose?????????????? Yes, I read all the way to the bottom!!!! This is better than being in you-know-who's pearl vault!
Feb 5th, my dear! I'm going to have to set my alarm so I wake up at 5am!
If I read the e-mail correctly, it will start at 10:00 am Pacific Time. So, nobody has to wake up too early!
Except everyone in Japan, and China, and Australia, and Israel, and England, and Europe, and Scotland, and Sweden ...
Hi Knotty,
No, we'll be fine in Europe and the U.K.
Here in England it'll be 6 p.m.
Same for Scotland.
The rest of Europe 7 p.m.
Israel it'll be 8 p.m.
Sorry for those in Australia, Asia....
It's that chickie in Sweden with the quicker clicker finger that I want to beat! Love you Jerin :)
I have waited so long for this! I've had the exotics photo as my computer background for months. I will be at an all-day conference in Tucson where I am a guest of honor, so I can't sneak out, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to see what I was calling about.

I hope you'll all share your photos with me.;)

This isn't about the exotics, but Jeremy, re: this month's special. What a cutie little sweetie bracelet. But, whereever did you find rose gold gimp!
You are going to sleep right through it! It is going out on February 5th, not the 15th! You scared me. I had to go back and check!

We decided to send it out on the 5th because we are doing a V-Day special for the general list on the 4th. The special (really special) one is on the 5th!

HahahahahahaLOL!! :p Oh good GRIEF!! (perfect place to say 'Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!) Thanks're right. I read that too fast. Whew. Okay, Tuesday at one pm my time. :)