New mismatched green tahitian studs from OceanRhyme on etsy, one is blue green and the other once is pistachio. They are a great addition to my other earrings. I did think that they would look great with my blue tahitian strand from Pearlescence, but the blue strand looks better with the blue tahitian studs, from Pearlescence, or the white south sea huggies, the pearls from Pearlsociety. I have other strands that look great with the new studs though.

Rainbow strand from Pearlescence.

White south sea strand from Cees.

Usually I wear the green and silver mismatched studs from Oceanscove with the white south sea strand, unless I wear white south sea earrings. The white strand has a cool tone to it that makes the Oceanscove studs especially nice. I can also use the pink and green tahitian studs from Pearlescence if I want to. It's a versatile strand.

All these three studs looks great with the rainbow strand as well.

Green studs, forest green big tahitian studs, pistachio south sea studs, green and pink tahitian studs and pink and green tahitian studs, all from Pearlescence with my new OceanRhyme green studs.

This is what I am wearing today. New green studs with my ombre tahitian rope from Cees and my dropshaped tahitian strand with pearls from Pearl Paradise and from Wen Pearls (the most colorful of two strands)

I really like those light tahitian pearls in my ombre rope, I don't know what to call that color really, but the pearls have the most glorious light creamy greenish golden color.

And finally with my green akoya and white south sea rope.