P. sterna v Pipi

It's so great to hear Bergdorf's has there stuff together!

Thank you for posting those photos, Pattye! Are the pearls on the left CFWP? The pearls in the Barney's necklace look like a cross between the SoC keshis and those others in the photo in that they were closer to the lighter SoCs in person but with a some pink in the body color.

I think they used a small wire gauge, which for a necklace like that is a sin. Any snag could result in bending and pulling!

Yes, the ones on the left are the fw. Although the fw are larger and a different shape than the Barney's necklace, it seems to me they do have similar pinky/beige body color. The S of C have a more gray/beige body color. with pinkish cheeks that didn't want to be photographed.

I was looking at the necklace again, and I agree the wire is quite fine. Most of you probably know the process of wire wrapping will harden wire somewhat, and before doing the wrap, the wire can be drawn through plastic jawed pliers to harden it also. (and straighten if it is coiled.) Karat gold wire is stiffer in general than the same gauge in sterling silver. I do enjoy wire wrapping, but whoa, those tiny pearls would be quite a challenge!
I love wire wrapping tiny pearls! Though it can be very time consuming especially if you're a perfectionist like me (must. have. same number of coils!)
My wire-wrapping skills have nose-dived since I stopped doing it, but I would expect better for the price and for natural pearls. They are calling them natural pipi pearls. Pipis have a strong gold component and look nothing like this necklace, and they definitely don't look like Sea of Cortez pearls to me, either. On the other hand, I think it's probably just a lack of knowledge and too much trust in their vendor.

First, Sarah's lovely Pipi strand

Second, some of Steve's Pipis
pipis from steve.jpg

And, of course, all the top gold to orange pipis from Laurent + unusual colors
I've always been drawn to that necklace and pearl photo too, Andrea ... hypnotic, isn't it ?
I love wire wrapping tiny pearls! Though it can be very time consuming especially if you're a perfectionist like me (must. have. same number of coils!)

OMG OMG OMG LOL I TOTALLY hear you!!!! AND, the 2 loops on each pearl must be facing the same direction!!! An@l retentive obsessive compulsive at it's best!!!
Katbran, what a positive experience! Thanks much for reporting!

Took these photos on the porch this morning, not great, but the best so far, overcast weather. Sea of Cortez keshi about the size of watermelon seeds, so these are just an example of body colors. I'm wondering if using a fine gauge wire such as 28g might have contributed to the poor wire wrapping on the Barney's necklace, as it had no body.

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Did I forget to say how much I love your photos? Love these pearl shots!
The photos are verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry addictive!

Cathy - yes! so hypnotic! I want to get a pair of Dave's gorgeous rootbeer pearls to set into antique settings, but perhaps after that... ;)
Andrea, you look great in the dress greens ... and the earrings are perfect!
I love this picture Andrea ! This green shirt has quite THE badge on it. Very classy with the celebration earrings and the pipi necklace !
Love the smile ! Those wolves are going to be very impressed !
Congrats on the new coyote and red wolf biologist position! You look happy (and you should be.) Love the earrings on you!