Updates on the Tahiti Pearl Consortium

Cyril Roger Brossard

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
An article by ML written the 9th of April 2013.

Cr??e le 8 f?vrier dernier par une d?lib?ration des ?lus de l?assembl?e de Polyn?sie, la soci?t? d??conomie mixte TPC sens?e rebooster le secteur de la perliculture a toutes les peines du monde ? r?unir les 15% d?actionnaires priv?s n?cessaires ? l?ouverture de son capital. D?ici la fin de la semaine on devrait ?tre fix? sur le sort de cette nouvelle SEM. De son c?t? le Syndicat des professionnels des producteurs de perle pr?pare un recours au tribunal administratif.

Le Tahiti Pearl Consortium ne restera-t-il finalement qu?un projet non finalis? ? La soci?t? d??conomie mixte, dont 85% du capital appartient au pays, a bien du mal ? r?unir les 15% d?actionnariat priv?. Dans un premier temps, les partenaires priv?s, essentiellement des producteurs de perle, devaient mettre sur la table au moins 45 millions de Fcfp (soit la moiti? de leur apport d?argent frais) pour montrer leur volont? de participation. Mais jusqu?ici cette somme n?a pas ?t? r?unie. Entre les intentions affich?es et les actes sonnants et tr?buchants, le projet pr?sent? par le ministre des ressources marines Temauri Foster a donc du mal ? se r?aliser et une d?cision, ou au moins une communication officielle du ministre, est attendue dans le courant de cette semaine ? ce sujet. Il faut dire que le TPC n?a jamais cr?? le consensus des professionnels de la perle, bien avant m?me que la d?lib?ration ne soit approuv?e ? une tr?s courte majorit? par les ?lus de l?assembl?e de Polyn?sie 28 voix pour, 24 voix contre. La cr?ation d?une ni?me SEM polyn?sienne en a fait tiquer plus d?un au moment o? les satellites publics du Pays sont pri?s de r?duire la voilure ou de se saborder. Quant ? l?objet social du TPC -long comme une liste ? la Pr?vert- et se m?lant de toutes les ?tapes de la perliculture, il n?a pas du tout satisfait les professionnels du secteur, m?me ceux qui envisageaient initialement la cr?ation du TPC avec int?r?t ou au moins avec bienveillance. Pourtant apr?s quelques rencontres tendues en f?vrier et en mars dernier entre les responsables du minist?re des ressources marines et les producteurs locaux, les 15% de capitaux priv?s semblaient ?tre r?unis et des lettres d?intention ont ?t? d?ment remplies. C?est au moment de pr?senter l?argent sur la table pour ent?riner cette prise de participation devant notaire que les choses se sont de nouveau compliqu?es. Les 45 millions de Fcfp n?cessaires ? l?allumage du TPC ? ?On n?y est pas? admet une source proche du ministre en d?pit des affirmations du vice-pr?sident Antony Geros ? Tahiti Infos le 3 avril dernier qui d?clarait : ?La part de 15% d?actionnariat priv? est r?alis?e aujourd?hui. La soci?t? peut ?tre mise en place?. Le TPC sera-t-il finalement foudroy? par une mort subite faute d?avoir r?uni les capitaux n?cessaires ?


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Created on February 8 by a decision of the elected assembly Polynesia, mixed economy company TPC sensible rebooster sector pearl has all the trouble to meet the 15% of private shareholders necessary for the opening of its capital. By the end of the week it should be fixed on the fate of this new SEM. For its part the Union of Professional producers pearl preparing an appeal to the administrative court.

Tahiti Pearl Consortium is he will eventually not completed a project? The mixed company, 85% of the capital belongs to the country, is struggling to meet the 15% private ownership. Initially, private partners, mostly pearl producers, were put on the table at least 45 million Pacific francs (half of their new money) to show their willingness to participate. But until that amount has not been met. Between displayed and ringing stumbling acts and intentions, the project presented by the Minister of Marine Resources Temauri Foster so hard to achieve and a decision, or at least an official communication of the Minister, is expected later this week about it. I must say that the TPC has never created professional consensus Pearl, although even before the deliberation is approved by a very narrow majority elected by the Assembly of French Polynesia 28 votes in favor, 24 votes against. The creation of an nth SEM Polynesian raised eyebrows over a public when satellites Countries are asked to trim or scuttle. As for the social purpose of the TPC-as long a list to Pr?vert-and mingling of all stages of the pearl, it was not at all satisfied with the professionals, even those who initially envisioned the creation of TPC forward or at least sympathetic. Yet after a few tense meetings in February and March between officials of the Ministry of Marine Resources and the local producers, 15% of private capital appeared to be met and letters of intent have been duly fulfilled. It is at present the money on the table to endorse this investment before a notary that things are again complicated. 45 million Fcfp necessary starting CPR? "We are not," admits a source close to the minister despite claims Vice President Antony Geros Tahiti News April 3, which stated: "The 15% share of private ownership is performed today. The company may be established. " The TPC-he will eventually struck by a sudden death because they have met the necessary capital?

The coup de grace?

A situation that hardly surprised the professional union Pearl Producers (PPMS): "pearl producers do not have 90 million to spend in Fcfp this tool," said its president, vice Aline Baldassari Bernard. Indeed, professional pearl who signed letters of intent to participate in the TPC are small or medium producers whose financial capacity is limited. One major producer, Frank Tehaamatai declared himself ready to acquire 900 of 3600 private equity, or even half (for a total of 22.5 million Fcfp), though some of its concerns about the tasks of the TPC were lifted. But last Friday, the entrepreneur is Nuutania jailed for failing to pay on time the 30 million Fcfp its legal security in the context of a fraud case to the tax exemption. Although this aspect has nothing to do with his involvement in the TPC, this new situation questions. In short, bad fairies seem to combine their evil powers around the cradle of the TPC. And if that was not enough to quell the TPC in its nucleus, the PPMS has always been a fierce opponent of the project is preparing a legal response to the creation of the TPC mixed economy company dated February 8, 2013. "We have three months to file an appeal before the tribunal after the adoption of the resolution. And we are working, "says Aline Baldassari Bernard. It would be for these professionals pearl denounce unfair competition created by the SEM against pearl producers and their organizations to commercialize the product. "The joint venture companies are usually created in France to develop and oversee a nonexistent sector. Here, the structures for the sale of pearls existed for over 30 years "still describes the vice president of PPMS even announcing that one way or another" CPR, it will not happen. "


Bad timing for the timing of TPC
If, if, if ... the TPC already exist today do we hear here and there. I must say that the obstacles have not failed in recent months around the Tahiti Pearl Consortium. Originally the TPC should not be a full SEM. The first project of the country, following the advice of the international consultant in jewelry Gaetano Cavalieri for the creation of a new model of marketing pearl of Tahiti, is realized through another public institution in the country, the House of Pearl. But December 12, 2012, the Administrative Tribunal of Papeete cancel the procurement procedure for the agreement to provide services for the implementation of the Tahiti Pearl Consortium by the House of Pearl. The imagined solution is to start a SEM on behalf of TPC whose capital is owned 85% by the Country and 15% by private partners. Country Fcfp committed 500 million on the 2013 budget for the capital of the new SEM is created on February 8. The government finds itself well on the campaign trail for the next local elections have to convince Pearl Producers to participate in this financial package while there are many who prefer to wait for the outcome of the election on May 5, 2013. For it may be that even if the TPC finally brings capital, the SEM is doomed to disappear in case of change of majority.