Stretch in 49 strand wire


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
Now, I have a question that may have already been asked, but I couldn't find it...

I'm making a necklace for a client that they 'designed' (saw one somewhere and want to copy it) ... except this one is using 12mm onyx with some 12mm white pearls.
She doesn't want a clasp. I had thought to use some black 49softflex and run it through twice (wasn't sure of the #test of 49strand) but I'm worried about it stretching. I have them hung on one very long loop right now to try and 'pre stretch' the wire. Think I should use 50lb powerpro instead? does PP stretch much, I use it alot but never on anything this heavy so I'm not sure. These suckers are pretty heavy.. :confused:
Hi Katbran,
I have never had Softflex or any other type of braided wire stretch. For that size bead, I would probably use the .024 wire. If you plan on knotting, then PowerPro would be your choice. The only drawback there is that it does not come in black. In my experience using both of these materials for stringing ropes, neither will stretch. If longer than 36" or if the necklace will be doubled, I would probably go with knotted PowerPro, primarily for the drape. Look forward to seeing the finished project. Good luck!
Thanks ladies! It's going to be 50 inches and I was hoping to use the finer wire for the flexiblility but was worried about it breaking if it hooks on something. It's the fine one so I thought I might double it for strength. I had thought to knot the PP but she likes the look of the 'stacked' black beads without knots, and tbh the holes are big enough that the knot might just vanish. Well I've hung the wire with the pearls from a hanger in the closet and will leave it overnight just to be sure..then I'll try it doubled. If it's too stiff I'll switch to PP . I'm not having much of a night..I just finished knotting a pearl and silver 50 inch necklace and managed to slice through the 30lb PP with the big eye needle at 45" .... sigh ... oh well...tomorrow is another day. At least with my knee replacement I have plentry of 'downtime' to fill. LOL

Again, many thanks for all the wisdom Wendy and Marianne.. I'm going to go eat some chocolate now....chocolate fixes everything....except broken PP .
For a necklace like that, I would want the drape of the power pro. 30# doubled, should do the trick, assuming it fits through the beads. That would be 60# of yank to break it and it would slink around instead of being a bit stiff. I think, since you are using white pearls that the white PPro should be fine.

Doncha just HATE it you when do something to make you start over? I do, but it is part of the game. I did repair an endless necklace like that once, because I could cut one thread out, then go through that pearl with a new thread. There will be one place where there is only30# pounds of pull, but that is double, at least over silk.
I've never had beading wire stretch and I use it a lot. 49 ply is quite flexible, and one can simulate the effect of knots with 2mm ball beads.
Agree that 49 ply beading wire is stretch free. I use it lots with very large and heavier beads. I've even used 1 and 1.5mm hill tribe beads as spacers. Tiny spacers allow for flexibility, which is the most important thing knotting does. Do-overs seem inevitable! You're right Katbran, keep the chocolate handy!
Caitlin I could have kicked myself if I had a decent knee to close to finishing...I might have a look at a repair, good suggestion and it might work on this..
Pearldreams, I would love to be able to use some little beads on this but she was quite insistent on nothing between the onyx... sigh..
Patricia, I'm going to make sure I've got more chocolate on hand when I restart the pearls...and its good to know that the wire won't stretch. I left it hanging overnight and I don't see any difference so should be good to least the onyx shouldn't give me any trouble lol (probably shouldnt have said that.....)
Thanks all :)
Hello Kat, resting nicely as I see your fingers are all hard at work. :) Take care of yourself and those knees now...

LOL Adeline I am resting but this necklace is raising my blood pressure:mad:! I snapped three needles today and broke the string again. Thankfully I was able to finish it at 48 inches, hope that only knotting into two pearls each direction will be enough :(

(I hate these continuous ropes)

But I've finished the Onyx and Sterling one for the same client so at least I've finished.

Now I need more chocolate :)

Glad to see your store is going so well!! I've just got to sort out a plan for those bluey pearls I bought from you !
Here they fingers hurt.
Those are very glam. Such hard work, though. I feel for your poor fingers! :)
Especially the heavier weight PP! I've started taping up my fingers in advance of working with PP 30 lb and up. It makes me feel like a warrior, suiting up before a fight :p
I know what you mean. The heavier the Ppro the more rough it gets and that is a hefty size, indeed! You are not the first nor the last to finger-tape! The virtually unbreakable result with great drape, is worth it to me, the main reason I put up with all the eccentricities of the product!
I have this wonderful image of you lot knotting your amazing designs - wearing boxing gloves!
Naw, just four strategically placed bandaids. It is really quite a refined and dainty look :)