Slightly oval shaped, silvery-pink, lumpy lines across width...


New Member
Aug 28, 2012
An Ex-Boyfriend gave me this pearl necklace a while back. I'm in a tight spot financially and was going to get them appraised so I could sell them but an appraisal is upwards of $85 at every location in my area and I don't want to just throw them away for a couple bucks at any pawn shop so any help with identification is GREATLY appreciated.

As you can notice in the pictures, the pearls have lumpy lines running horizontally around their width which I'm guessing are lines created by the growth of the pearl. Also they all vary slightly in color and shape which makes it hard for someone like myself, with no knowledge on different types of pearls, to identify them. They are solid and heavy.


Thank you for viewing this thread. Like I said, any help is greatly appreciated.
The necklace is lovely, isn't it?

It has freshwater beading grade pearls and glass crystals with the Thai silver spacers. Though it may have sold for more than $85 retail, I doubt the resale value is close to the $85.00 you would pay to get an appraisal. The pearls, crystals and ribbon probably cost less than $10, originally. Pawn shops generally don't take pearls.

If you do a long form income tax, I would donate it to charity and take $100 as the value for taxes. But wait and see what others have to say.
I though the semi-opaque beads are rose or clear quartz too.

DK :)
Unfortunately I concur that it is probably not going to bring you much money, even at consignment. Consider donating it.
What do you think of trying to sell it on eBay? or a local Craig's list?
I'd say that the value in this is the design and execution that make it interesting and marketable to someone. The pearls themselves really have no value. I'd say that the stones are rose quartz, better than average and an interesting cut and that the beads and clasp look to really be silver. I think it was probably made by someone possibly locally perhaps a local crafter and not mass produced. You will get basically nothing for it at a pawn shop. Keep it, donate it or give it to someone who really likes it. Your biggest profit may just be good karma!