Perlen, Elisabeth Strack

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard W. Wise
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Richard W. Wise

Understand this book has been translated into English. Did a search but was unable to find it. What is the English title? Anyone know who carries it?
Strack book

Strack book

And once again, the contact information for all interested readers who have not seen it in all the other threads yet:

Author: Elisabeth Strack
Title: Perlen
ISBN: 3-00-008636-6
Publisher: Rühle-Diebener-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Phone: +49 711 97667-0
Fax: +49 711 97667-49

"Perlen" by Elisabeth Strack

"Perlen" by Elisabeth Strack

Hi, Zeide and all members of this forum.

I just want to give you some thoughts of above book. It is an absolute MUST to have it. It is a gem amongst all the books on the subject of pearls and by now I have quite a lot of those. The articles are sorted in a way that makes it very easy to find for whatever you are looking, there are many maps to find the different islands and places for all sorts of pearls, every aspect is taken care of and it is really enjoyable to read. Much is said about the sort of mussels/oysters that are being used for specific pearls and their life cycle is described in detail as well. Interesting articles about marketing and economy are to be found in this beautiful book and many photos are included.

It is my number one bedside reading and believe me, you get a lot for your money, since the book has over 700 pages.

Since it is now available in English as well, I can only recommend it to all Pearl lovers and I hope that by now Richard has got his copy.

By the way Richard, I do have Your "Secrets of the Gem Trade", which I do enjoy as well, beautiful photos and interesting text. It is a pity though that You didn´t include in the pearl section more of the negative things for Akoya pearls that I read in an article you hade on the forum.
It would "round off" the pearl section even better.
However, I do like it and I would have liked to get a copy with your signature in it. When I ordered it was not any more availabe....

Inge Jernberg :)

I tried to e-mail the address you provided for the book and it bounced... I did a copy paste so I would not have any spelling issues...
Any Ideas on how else to contact them? Does anyone else carry it ? does anyone know of the price in USD? I am very eager to add this book to my evergrowing collection of pearl books.... thank you for your help and guidance

Hi Ashby,

You can either fax or call them. Please figure in the time difference (9 hours from California, 6 hours from the East coast). Their mail box may simply be full. I heard that the Strack book is selling like Harry Potter since I mentioned it here. Please note. I am not getting paid for that. If that is the effect of mentioning it here I may also want to promote Numeracy, 200% of Nothing, The Number Devil, The Mathematical Tourist, The Mathematical Mystery Cruise, The Absolute Differential Calculus, Number Theory and its History etc...

Hi Jeremy,

May I gather from the fact that you have the e-mail address of their foreign-language correspondent that you also have your own copy by now? What do you think about it?

Thanks Jewemy And Zeide,

I will e-mail teh web address Jeremy listed if that does not work I will fax them... we do not have that kind of long distance service on our phone.... Thanks for all your help!



Hi Jeremy,

I am actually quite at the top of the pecking order in terms of English-German translators. However, I only have the German version of Perlen because I probably couldn't stand the English translation. I already find the German version a tad too scanty on details and if you get your copy you will note that this is the most exhaustive treatment of the subject undertaken so far. I want to see a detailed discussion of the Arab pearl traders finger language. I want to see more detailed discussion on pearl smuggeling, I want to see a more detailed discussin on pearl culturing for the various species including the symbiont in pinctada margaritifera and the various effects of nucleus placement or the various results of culturing in different species including tissue nucleation etc... So, while this is the top of the line for its subject, I can think of a whole Enclycopedia Britannica (I hope I didn't get into new hot water mentioning them) on the subject rather than a single book.


I ordered my copy of teh Pearls book today it will be coming by boat so it will take a while but that is okay, I have plenty of research to keep me busy until then. I am sure you sould probably write quite a few volumes on Pearls yourself! Thanks for your help and guidance, and to everyone patience with a silly history nut like me!

I am finding why I was having trouble with some of my resserch My Mother has some books that have some information I have been hunting! Good thing I am visiting this weekend. Back to teh books


both these addresses are current for ordering....
Elke Dietrich

It cost $136 and change total, shipping included

I just got my copy yesterday. It smells like a textbook- I forgot how they smell. Love it. Read the chapter on CFWP first after skimming through all the Chapters in the Table of Contents. Looked at Large and Famous Pearls. I am very caught up in this book.....

The Bahraini necklace.
I saw the Bahraini necklace. (p 141 Eng ed) Incredibly showy piece. I did not find it ostentatious though, because it grew out of the local land and sea and accrued to the rulers as part of the bounty of the area.

Here's my bias as an armchair anthropologist speaking: The Bahraini necklace looks like sacred jewelry and probably is. It never belongs to the one who wears it, the one who wears it is temporarily transformed by the act of wearing it to a symbol of the riches of their pearl-based culture and ancient blessings... I doubt Bill Gates could afford to buy that piece........

It wasn't cobbled together like da big bling bling after paying tasteless sums of money to procure the pieces....... (da big bling bling is an "in" joke- sorry- maybe the thread will go back up without da picture.)
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Didn't anyone tell ya Pearls are the only real Bling Bling.. LOL

Why Yes I am working on a Class that is entitled Pearls Period Bling Bling!

As was mentioned in another thread, the English version of the Strack text is enlarged and updated over the original german.

As I did not mention, Strack gives even-handed treatment to natural and cultured pearls. Part one is about natural pearls and you must have that to understand much of the cultured. Part two is about cultured pearls and is fairly exhaustive compared to anything else in print- yet.

I can see that several of Zeide's wishes carried out as papers and articles would certainly compliment this work. I hope future pearl types write on some of these topics. I see a lot of PhD's in pearl topics. Wouldn't it be grand if a lot more universities took on this research?
Does anyone know where to get this book online? I sent an email but did not get a response. There must be an online book seller that has this available, right?
By the way Richard, I do have Your "Secrets of the Gem Trade", which I do enjoy as well, beautiful photos and interesting text. It is a pity though that You didn?t include in the pearl section more of the negative things for Akoya pearls that I read in an article you hade on the forum.
It would "round off" the pearl section even better.
However, I do like it and I would have liked to get a copy with your signature in it. When I ordered it was not any more availabe....

Inge Jernberg :)[/QUOTE]

I didn't go negative on the AKOYAs because I was writing a book about precious stones not a diatribe against any gem treatments and so forth, to be fair would have had to do even handed critiques which would have doubled the size of the book. Mentioned it and thought that was enough.

Sorry you didn't get a signed copy. Do have a few hardcovers left for friends. If you want one give away yours and I'll send you a personally signed replacement.
So far I have been sent an invoice. Then I have to pay it then they ship the book. I feel sorry for Ms. Strack it is the most cumbersome book ordering process I have seen Someone should tel GZ its time to turn in the quill pen and eyeshade and get with digital.
