"Perlen" by Elisabeth Strack
"Perlen" by Elisabeth Strack
Hi, Zeide and all members of this forum.
I just want to give you some thoughts of above book. It is an absolute MUST to have it. It is a gem amongst all the books on the subject of pearls and by now I have quite a lot of those. The articles are sorted in a way that makes it very easy to find for whatever you are looking, there are many maps to find the different islands and places for all sorts of pearls, every aspect is taken care of and it is really enjoyable to read. Much is said about the sort of mussels/oysters that are being used for specific pearls and their life cycle is described in detail as well. Interesting articles about marketing and economy are to be found in this beautiful book and many photos are included.
It is my number one bedside reading and believe me, you get a lot for your money, since the book has over 700 pages.
Since it is now available in English as well, I can only recommend it to all Pearl lovers and I hope that by now Richard has got his copy.
By the way Richard, I do have Your "Secrets of the Gem Trade", which I do enjoy as well, beautiful photos and interesting text. It is a pity though that You didn´t include in the pearl section more of the negative things for Akoya pearls that I read in an article you hade on the forum.
It would "round off" the pearl section even better.
However, I do like it and I would have liked to get a copy with your signature in it. When I ordered it was not any more availabe....
Inge Jernberg