.....can you tell me what I have bought.
I live in the UK and from all my searches my impression is that we have yet to wake up to the possibility of 10mm round freshwater pearls. The only retailer I can find who sells any thing close to freshadama is www.absolutepearls.co.uk.
But I jump ahead. I have owned only my Grandmaother imitation 100m (long) pearls and worn them happily with my Marks and Spencers studs for years. Then came satillite TV. The British middle classes have finally succumbed and the joys of cartoon network are now the staple viewing of my children ever second I am not watching them. I confess the world of QVCUK.com held me tranfixed for many months. In their defence and mine they are slightly more upmarket than their parent company in the US.
Anyway I digress.
The point is they have a brand in UK the US do not - 'Gems of the Orient' and I bought their long string of freshwater pearls to wear instead of the imitation pearls and to compare them. I was so bitten with these basic pearls that I then bought a mixed colour strand of off round pearls 9-10mm freshwater pearls which, no matter what, I love. Paid around $150. Tell me what I have bought before I buy the pink and mocha strand? Please stop me.
I'm not looking for akoya, in the UK they are worn with your crisp white shirt under your cashmere jumper, jeans and you ballet pumps to take Guy and Lucinda to prep school in the Range Rover (up market SUV) and have minimum use in a womens wardrode. They also smack of your grandmathers pearls. So it may be vulgar but I think, no I know, I am lusting after large round freshwater pearls in all the colours and all the styles.
Gosh what a ramble. I know I need to buy freshadamas but I wondered what the difference is in what I bought for $150 to the $2300 honora 10mm pearls (item number J102633) on your own qvc.com? Why the enormous price gap? Have they simply added one nought too many by mistake? URL="http://www.qvc.com/asp/frameset.asp?class=2168&cm_re=PAGE-_-PROMOTIONS-_-1:HONORA&qic=y"]http://www.qvc.com/asp/frameset.asp?class=2168&cm_re=PAGE-_-PROMOTIONS-_-1:HONORA&qic=y [/URL] Are mine potato or off round? They have no rings and just the odd small spot on just two of the mocha pearls? They are not natural coulours surely? They money is the price of experience and minimal but now I'm hooked and curious.
They are item number 673103 on www.qvcuk.com
Hope this isn't too trivial a question and thank you in advance for your advice.
Caitlin - love you.
I live in the UK and from all my searches my impression is that we have yet to wake up to the possibility of 10mm round freshwater pearls. The only retailer I can find who sells any thing close to freshadama is www.absolutepearls.co.uk.
But I jump ahead. I have owned only my Grandmaother imitation 100m (long) pearls and worn them happily with my Marks and Spencers studs for years. Then came satillite TV. The British middle classes have finally succumbed and the joys of cartoon network are now the staple viewing of my children ever second I am not watching them. I confess the world of QVCUK.com held me tranfixed for many months. In their defence and mine they are slightly more upmarket than their parent company in the US.
Anyway I digress.
The point is they have a brand in UK the US do not - 'Gems of the Orient' and I bought their long string of freshwater pearls to wear instead of the imitation pearls and to compare them. I was so bitten with these basic pearls that I then bought a mixed colour strand of off round pearls 9-10mm freshwater pearls which, no matter what, I love. Paid around $150. Tell me what I have bought before I buy the pink and mocha strand? Please stop me.
I'm not looking for akoya, in the UK they are worn with your crisp white shirt under your cashmere jumper, jeans and you ballet pumps to take Guy and Lucinda to prep school in the Range Rover (up market SUV) and have minimum use in a womens wardrode. They also smack of your grandmathers pearls. So it may be vulgar but I think, no I know, I am lusting after large round freshwater pearls in all the colours and all the styles.
Gosh what a ramble. I know I need to buy freshadamas but I wondered what the difference is in what I bought for $150 to the $2300 honora 10mm pearls (item number J102633) on your own qvc.com? Why the enormous price gap? Have they simply added one nought too many by mistake? URL="http://www.qvc.com/asp/frameset.asp?class=2168&cm_re=PAGE-_-PROMOTIONS-_-1:HONORA&qic=y"]http://www.qvc.com/asp/frameset.asp?class=2168&cm_re=PAGE-_-PROMOTIONS-_-1:HONORA&qic=y [/URL] Are mine potato or off round? They have no rings and just the odd small spot on just two of the mocha pearls? They are not natural coulours surely? They money is the price of experience and minimal but now I'm hooked and curious.
They are item number 673103 on www.qvcuk.com
Hope this isn't too trivial a question and thank you in advance for your advice.
Caitlin - love you.
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