max. size farmed south sea

May 28, 2007
I was recently told that traditionally farmed south sea pearls only reach a maximum size of about 10mm. larger must be grown at much deeper depths, and are farmed by free deep divers.
Any truth to this?
i have also been trying to locate the deep divers in philippines, but no solid luck so far.
No. Depth doesn't play a role in the size of a pearl, and even when oysters are kept at significant depths (sometimes more than 30 meters like on Ravenshaw Island), they are still kept in tethered baskets so divers aren't required for harvest.
It is a beautiful day in Monaco, and I am on Pearl-Guide... it is a sickness of sorts, I guess.

I was recently told that traditionally farmed south sea pearls only reach a maximum size of about 10mm. larger must be grown at much deeper depths, and are farmed by free deep divers.

That is a new one, and a pretty funny one at that. We should start a thread of all the stories we have heard and call it something like "Pearlers' Fish Stories".

10mm is considered small for any type of South Sea. The seller was probably offering you a selection of top grade "indicator pearls".
jshepherd said:
It is a beautiful day in Monaco, and I am on Pearl-Guide... it is a sickness of sorts, I guess.

Berlin... Beautiful summer and a paper to write.

What should one do with 100k words of posts? :rolleyes:
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Let's see if you can beat this. Rural Australia. On call in a hospital. Still on Pearl-guide. Nothing constructive to add, still browsing and posting. And dreaming about when I can afford SSP on my salary, and when I can fly in to visit PP in Santa Monica one day. Some day.
Could this be a reversed version of some 'poster anonymous' session already! :eek:

The story of >10mm SS fished from the bottom of the ocean is hard to beat though... Don't think I have even heard worse: the top of my list is a measly claim that 'natural pearls do not exist anymore - they ceased to exist in 1920':rolleyes: 'Been told that confidently more than once. Wouldn't count mainstream misrepresentation and ignorance FleaBay style: not creative enough, by far. We need LONGER stories, like the deep diving one! :p

Raisondetre said:
Let's see if you can beat this. Rural Australia. On call in a hospital. Still on Pearl-guide.

Noooo... no way. :eek:
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Raisondetre said:
And dreaming about when I can afford SSP on my salary, and when I can fly in to visit PP in Santa Monica one day. Some day.

Taking a little summer break myself while attending to several pressing business matters, expecting photos soon from my visit to 'Paradise' at the end of June and will post. Suffice to say that it was not a disappointment, and Jeremy, Mia, Kirsten, et al were perfect hosts!

It's a hot, humid, muggy day in Tel Aviv. What better reason could there be for sitting in an air-conditioned room and surfing Pearl Guide.

Love to all the NCNs worldwide.

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Here in Paris, it is the worst July month since I was born, raining all month through :eek:
The absolute perfect wheather for stringing pearls, anyway .
Now where else can I sit at my desk, looking for second or two of diversion to refresh my spirits, but here, where I can take a trip around the world and view a pearl or two. Does it get any better? Thank you everyone. :)