major pearl producing countries

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what are the major pearl producing countries? :confused:
and may i also know their annual yield and value? :o
because i haven't found anything about it on the web... :)
Major pearl producing countries

Major pearl producing countries

Hi Pearl Novice,

How major does it have to be? Freshwater, saltwater, both, or either?

i think up to the top 10 countries that produces saltwater pearls.
Pearl producing countries

Pearl producing countries

Japan cultures in pinctada (fucata) martensii, pinctada shimizuensis (S.K. and R. Wada, 1953), pinctada chemnitzii (Philippi, 1849), pinctada margaritifera (L., 1758), pteria penguin (Röding, 1798), and pinctada maxima the latter three only in the Ryukus.

China cultures in pinctada chemitzii (Philippi, 1849), pinctada atropurpurea, pinctada nigra, pinctada shimizuensis (S.K. and R. Wada, 1953), pinctada margaritifera (L., 1758), pinctada maxima (gold and silver), pteria penguin, plus several others that are still in the research stage.

India, same as China.

South Korea, pinctada chemnitzii (Philippi, 1849), haliotis discus, pteria penguin, pinctada nigra.

Vietnam, same as South Korea.

Mexico, pteria sterna, pinctada mazatlanica.

French Polynesia, pinctada margaritifera (L., 1759), pteria sterna.

New Zealand, haiolits iris, pinctada radiata.

Australia, pinctada maxima, pinctada (fucata) martensii.

U.S.A., pinctada margaritifera and pinctada radiata (so far mostly spat raising in Hawaii), haliotis rufens (mabé production in California).

That's ten. Current production figures have to be patched together since some countries do not compile statistics on pearl production. In addition there are the Philippines with the golden lipped and some silver lipped pinctada maxima and some pinctada (fucata) martensii, Myanmar with pinctada maxima and pteria penguin (also in tissue nucleated), Thailand with pinctada radiata and pinctada maxima. I know that there is at least one farm in Russia that cultures tissue nucleated round pearls in haliotis kamtchatkana. And that are only the most obvious ones.

Hi! Zeide

Your reply also becomes good information to me.

Can you recommend the related books about Pearl-Shell Although I don't

know whether the books are?


Yoon in Pearl House
Best pearl book

Best pearl book

Hi Yoon,

The best book on the subject is:

Author: Elisabeth Strack
Title: Perlen
ISBN: 3-00-008636-6
Publisher: Rühle-Diebener-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Phone: +49 711 97667-0
Fax: +49 711 97667-49

It has now been translated into English and also gives some production figures. Please state clearly that you want the English version to avoid confusion. As far as the minutiae of pearl culturing are concerned, you find that in the thread everything you ever wanted to know about pearl culturing in the cultured pearls sub-forum. It has a clickable link to the probably most exhaustive study ever written on the subject of culturing marine pearls.

Hi! Zeide,

Tks for the book information. I will contact on

And I'd like to introduce the book.

Author : Dr. Shohei Shirai

Title : Pearls and Pearl Oysters of the world.

ISBN :4-9900287-1-6

Publisher : Marine Planning(In Japan)

Tel : 0475-73-7348

Fax : 0475-73-7349

e-mail : none

Dr. Shirai wrote several books on marine life.

Japan book store did not sell the book, so I contacted the Publisher directly.

I usually seek the shell through the above book to know which the pearls are

belonged to.

but there is sometimes to fail to find out the shell.

It is published about 11 years ago.

the book have two language : Japanese and English

Yoon in Pearl House


Does anyone know any sources in Vietnam? I am hearing about some good pearls coming out of the south, but no details.

Cindy Clark
Passion Pearls
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
Sorry, I couldn't find any host named (#5.1.2)

What do I do now?
More Strack book

More Strack book

Hi Caitlin,

I heard the Strack book has become the new Harry Potter. The above contact e-mail is actually the one printed in the book. Jeremy posted a new contact for the publisher under the (misspelled) Strack book thread.

Here is the definitive answer.
Dear Caitlin, the English edition of my book on pearls, named ?Pearls? has come out three months ago. You can get it directly from the publisher, R?hle-Diebener-Verlag:

Best regards, Elisabeth Strack.

Elisabeth Strack
Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg
20354 Hamburg
Tel. 040/352011
Fax: 040/343419
Hi! Caitlin,

I ordered the english book at air delivery two weeks ago.

but not yet received it.

As Zeide said already, it must be become the new Harry Porter.

And Can you tell some information on the author?

I first become to know the name : Elisabeth Strack.

Does he or she write another pearl books?
