Etienne Perret Schools Revere Academy Students in Pearls


Sep 20, 2006
I hope you enjoy this new article about pearls, friendship, teaching, and Tahitian pearl jewelry!

I WANT that pendant. I NEED that pendant. Can someone mention it to Walter, sigh ... ?
That pendant is listed on Fred's website and the price isn't as bad as I thought. Pretty good, actually, for an award-winning piece. The website is at the bottom of the article. :)
I saw that, Blaire ... and had the same thought; that for an award winning piece of 18K gold, one of a kind, gorgeous pearl ... not bad considering the amount of work that likely went into it. Just stunning, as is the grand prize winning ring, and all the other pieces. Thanks for the lovely article!
You're welcome. I hope people will click the link and read it. ♡
It is a very nice read indeed; with lots of links to click to more pearl candy and pearl words ... so much fun!
Oh I WANT that pendant....thanks GG for posting. BTW, how are you? I hope you're recovered now from the flu
Somebody should tell this designer/student to join Pearl Guide LOL ...
If you go to the link for the competition, you will see that the back of the pendant is also beautiful.
As for me, I am doing better, but apparently, I have another cold or another relapse. It's getting very old! :) However, I am planning a run to the opal show in Anaheim tomorrow. :)
If you go to the link for the competition, you will see that the back of the pendant is also beautiful.
As for me, I am doing better, but apparently, I have another cold or another relapse. It's getting very old! :) However, I am planning a run to the opal show in Anaheim tomorrow. :)

Oh GG, perhaps you should visit your GP. You've been ill for too long already.
But, I hope you enjoy the show. That could be your best medicine!
Opals ... the new cure for a nasty cold :) Hope the show is wonderful, and it cheers you Blaire ... I love opals!
I love well as the other designs, especially that tassel necklace.
GemGeek, I know a cold is no fun, and one that lingers even less so...I swear by my concoction of mucinex, zinc, and chicken soup...taken separately of course. I hope you feel better soon!
Honestly, part of the problem seems to be that the weather keeps changing. Wet cold dry hot - make up your mind! LOL.