Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot Mussel) for farming?


Community member
Jun 16, 2014
It's my understanding that the Elliptio complanata is known by the common names "Lightfoot Mussel" "Eastern Elliptio". Is this an appropriate species for pearl farming? It's native range overlaps where I am located and it is highly abundant. My only concern is the nacre quality.

I read that the cockscomp pearl mussel produces nacre, but was rejected in China in favor of the Triangle Shell Pearl Mussel.

So, even though E. complanata produces nacre, is it of good quality?

Look at the shells. Many freshwater pearls have incredible nacre and it shows in the shells. Where are you? (in general, not specifically) Are you contemplating growing them or just looking for pearls?
Thanks for replying to the post. I'm not worried about nacre beauty. The Elliptio has a beautiful shell. I'm worried about quality. I wonder if the Elliptio is durable enough. Does anyone know why the Chinese rejected the cockscomp in favor of the Triange Shell Pearl Mussel? Is it an issue of nacre beauty, or quality?