Drilling practice?


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2015
I am going to have a pearl drill in the near future and am pumped to be able to drill my own pearls. I am not thrilled to learn how to do this on my real pearls, of course. Is there something that is comparable to a real pearl that isn't as precious or expensive that I can try at first just to get the hang of it? I am willing to even buy super duper cheap pearls if someone has a suggestion of where to get them.
I am going to have a pearl drill in the near future and am pumped to be able to drill my own pearls. I am not thrilled to learn how to do this on my real pearls, of course. Is there something that is comparable to a real pearl that isn't as precious or expensive that I can try at first just to get the hang of it? I am willing to even buy super duper cheap pearls if someone has a suggestion of where to get them.

Shells, freshwater or marine are identical in structure as pearls.