Does powerpro knots scratch pearls? and other questions.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2011
Hi all, I have just receive my 20lbs moss green powerpro for my tahitian. The color goes well with the pearls. I tried making some knots with double strand of powerpro. My question is, does the hard knot scratches the nacre of the pearls. I tried rubbing the knot onto a piece of paper and it does make many scratch marks on it.

I would like to use double strand of 20lbs to string my pearls, from my understanding from reading up the past thread, I will need to run the prowerpro thru the last 3 pearls twice. does that mean that I will have to first ensure that the tahitian drill hole can fit 4 strands of powerpro 20lbs?
I need to change that. A lot of people think three beads is over kill. One knot then pass the thread through the second pearl and cut it. You need very sharp scissors or those sewing nippers to cut the thread/ when you first thread the needle, pass it through an end bead and then pass it back through. You should not have trouble with that size and the Tahitians.