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Who could give info of false conch pearls, how they are cut off the conch shell, how to test and make the difference betwee true and false , do they show specific flame ? Are some made from glass, how to proceed for identification?
Many thanks everybody.

Queen conch beads and cabochons do not have flaming and are typically regular. The material is called rosalin or rosaline and also quite rare. The best test are blemishes. Natural blemishes look different from faked ones. Also conch pearls that look anywhere near rosalin often have "eyes" (i.e. a spot with somewhat more transparency and different coloration). I have never seen eyes in rosalin.

false Conch pearls

false Conch pearls

I have seen quite a few conch shells sold as pearls. Most of them have come from Honduras and other conch producing Central American countries, though they are possible any where you find conch. The shell is most commonly shaped using a lapiday grinding wheel or a dremel. Because it is cut from conch shell it can show flame but will never (to my knowledge)have flame accross the entire surface area.
One thing to look for is shell layering.
In producing a round or oval shape from the shell a con artist has to grind through several layers of shell. The typical piece has a beautiful top and bottom ( one consistant surface) with the layering seen on either side.
Another indicator will be any out of place flat spots or grind marks on the pearls surface. These fakes are usually made quickly with little attention to detail.
( A few countres use equipment for washing and cleaning their conch meet. Pearls found with in these machines will have damage marks different from the flat spots or grinding marks described above)

Best wishes.
Many Thanks for your very well documented replies. I was wondering about conch pearls fading ... Do they loose color or luster or flame (when they do show some) or a combination of three caracters ? I mean : does a medium or pale pink conch with medium luster but a visible flame means that the conch has fading already ? Or could it be a fresh new " born " conch with a pale color and medium luster ? What is the most specific to authentify a conch that has faded already. Hope I am clear ... thousands of thanks for your replies. Best regards.