Please help me to choose Tahitian pearls


Jan 10, 2015
Good afternoon,

I am looking online for a Tahitian pearl earring to wear on a daily basis. Is 10mm too big or should I stick with 9mm?
Would anyone be willing to post their 10mm or 9mm pearl earring for me to see please?

I really like the peacock overtones but the vendor doesn't have that colour. These are the colour pearls they sent me. The problem I have is that I noticed on some vendors that the pearls might be light green pearl but when the model actually wears the pearl earrings the pearl looks green/black. I would love a dark green/peacock colour pearl. Do you think any of these would look like a peacock earring when I wear them?

B earrings.jpg
Hi Pearley! I personally think 10mm is a good size. I like the second pair from the right on the top picture. It looks to be the most peacock to me. The pearls on the bottom have some very pretty colours. Do they correspond to the top or are they completely different?
There's a large visual difference between 9mm and 10mm pearls, and I tend to think dark pearls look smaller than lighter colour pearls, I would go for 10mm. I have a pair of 9mm and I find it a bit small for my liking, and I am not a tall person.
Hi Pearley! I personally think 10mm is a good size. I like the second pair from the right on the top picture. It looks to be the most peacock to me. The pearls on the bottom have some very pretty colours. Do they correspond to the top or are they completely different?

Hi Bailey1856,

Thanks for your response. No the top and bottom are completely different. The top is more lighter colours apart from the black and the bottom more rich colours.

I like the second pair from the right on the top picture too but I didn't know if the colour would be too light that it might look light a south sea pearl instead of a tahitian pearl.
Thanks Lady_Disdain, I think the third pair on the left would look lovely with your skin tone :)
Hi kelluvpearls, would you say the dark pearls like dark green onwards to black tend to look like black in normal sunlight?
I also really like these pistachio pearls I am not sure if they are dark enough for my liking ;)Pistachio.jpeg
I am amazed how different pearls can look in different lights. I would have your vendors (if possible) take photos of the prospective pearls in different lighting conditions, including outdoors and indoors. I also appreciate it when vendors have the pearls against a "less white" background, like the palm of a hand, or a slightly darker surface.
Good luck. All of these pearls look very nice.
(Personally, I like the second-from-right pair in the top photo. And the pearls shown on the white lace look very colourful, I would want them to be photographed in different lighting conditions to help you determine more about their colours.)
Let us know how you did. Please post photos, if you can.
In bright sunlight my dark bodied pearls are very dark, I think you can't really see the overtones in bright sunlight.
Hi Lindaphillipsbong

Thanks for the advice on photographing pearls against non white background. It didn't even occur to me to ask for that. I'll ask the vendor for some pearls against ear pics:)
I will post the pearls once I have them.
The pearl looks gorgeous DK. Is this a grey pearl?I heard that going above 10mm tahitian pearls is not advised as the pearl is heavy. Is that right? I wear South Sea pearls now and they are not heavy.
I like the second from the right the best, as well. :)

Because I have to talk on the phone, I prefer dangles for larger pearls. When I do wear larger post-type earrings, I find I have to keep pushing the clutches back against my ear all day.
I would describe my 10mm PP Tahitians as medium grey body colour with a very light peacock overtone.

With my big fat earlobes, I can wear larger pearls such as my 12mm Tahitians and do not find them weighty. However, I have stopped wearing them as they make my already fat wide face look even wider, not a good look.

When I went to HK in Nov 2013, I bought a pair of 13mm CFWP that can pass as WSS to the untrained eye, and sold them to a colleague as they made me look like a frog with bulging eyes!

DK :)
Pearly, I love my 10.5 mm Tahitians I could wear that size everyday not to large on my small lobes. They are a very light green body silvery peacock AAA. Pending what I am wearing they can at times look golden. Love it!


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Pearly, I wouldn't say that the peacock shows up well when wearing them, but I wanted a lighter pair to show up with all of my hair, they work well with dark tahitian strands and light tahitians too.

Ear Shot, good luck choosing it's hard go for the highest luster, I could have all colors including black.

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