I am going to try to answer your question. I won't lie - it gives me real anxiety at the thought of getting rid of most of my pearls! And the truth is that my "favorites" usually change depending on the season and what necklines I'm wearing. I do sell pearls I no longer find myself drawn to, (I sold a baroque akoya strand just this week!) but I know 100% that I will not ever sell the pearls I'm about to list.
1) My very first strand of freshwater pearls from my parents when I was 15. I scoured the internet and stumbled upon Pearl Paradise and decided on the exact strand I wanted and presented the web address to my parents when they asked what I wanted for my birthday. I remember my mom asking me if I was sure I wanted pearls because that would be all I'd be receiving. Little did she know what kind of a spiral that one strand would start me on! I don't wear that strand much anymore but I will treasure it forever. It's the strand on the left in the picture below. Needs restringing!
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2) My first pearl purchase, a strand of semi-baroque circled dark tahitians with peacock overtones also from Pearl Paradise. I had just graduated college and had an influx of money the likes of which I'd never seen before

I had been wanting a strand of tahitians for years at that point and figured it would be a while before I had that kind of expendable income so I went for it. And boy, did I make a good decision. I am still hopelessly in love with that strand and wear it very frequently. It's the shorter strand in this picture I took recently.
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3) That pendant in the above picture. I paid a ridiculously low price for what I believe is the perfect tahitian drop pearl. The shape, the luster, the circles of rainbow colors, the size - all perfection in my eyes! To say I'm in love with it is an understatement. It will never leave me as long as I have a say.
4) My mirror edison ring - I mean.. I think this picture speaks for itself. It is the most crisp luster I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of pearls. It is as close to perfection as a pearl can get in my opinion, which makes it irreplaceable to me.
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5) Since I have to cap it at 5, this is the last piece to make the cut (as of my feelings tonight anyway). This is a super metallic souffle pendant that I got from one of PP's old VIP sales. It's just classic and effortless and gorgeous. Goes with absolutely everything from super casual to dressy. I thought I lost it for a little while and it looked like a rabid bear had torn through my house by the time I got done looking for it.
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I feel a little disloyal doing this list but also a little proud of myself!