Different websites with ref to articles on Pearl Paradise



This question goes to J Shepherd.

The Wall Street Journal of July 12th, Edition Marketplace had a very interesting article on Pearl Paradise, J Shepherd and so on.

"Ouote: Pearl Paradise´s most visible market however, have been its Web site resellers."

"Quote: Pearl Paradise has three other major Internet resellers in the U.S., with the reminder in Europe and Canada. Each of the sites - which operate much like franchises but with different names - have somewhat different offerings, from special diamond clasps to cufflinks, which Mr. Shepherd supplies to them exclusively."

Question: Can I get the names of these WEB-sites or is this a business-secret? Who for example is a reseller in Germany? As I live in Sweden I am also interested in European sites even though I personally think I will always do business with PP in Santa Monica as I am very satisfied. I am asking out of mere curiosity.

At the same time I want to tell You Jeremy that I love all the information and education I received through the Pearl Guide.com, which obviously is another of Your creations. Thanks for this informative channel for everyone that enjoys, loves and does business with pearls.

Thanks for replying Jeremy .