What will I do with these?


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008

These are two strands that I bought at the jeweller's association fair a couple of weeks ago. They are each 32 inches, the pearls range between 7 and 12mm in width by 10 - 16mm in length (most about 10 x 13 or so). They are not perfect, and I love all the weird shapes, but mostly I love the variety of colours. So the question is - multistrand necklaces? single long rope? restring as 2 32 inch strands? Any thoughts?

SS strands 002.jpg

SS strands 004.jpg

SS strands 006.jpg

Thanks for your thoughts!
If you have enough how about a double stranded bracelet plus a shorter rope? I know I can never get to see enough of my pearls, so bracelets are usually my top pick.
That's the other telltale sign that you are a lowly beader -- "what are you/am I gonna do with these?" Pearls are raw materials to be happily played with :)
Hi Nerida,

What fun! Well, first I would pick out a few pairs for earrings, LOVE the large size! I would do a long rope that could be doubled or tripled, so probably 44-50 inches (with clasp). That would still leave enough pearls for a double bracelet. If there was one exceptional amazing pearl I would remove it and make a pendant. Are they freshwater? SS and Tahitian? Very nice choice!! Looking forward to what you do with them!

so many pearls, so little time
I agree with those who replied before me: 2-3 pairs of earrings (gold, white and Tahitians), rope to be able to double it at least ( so you need a clasp) and from remaining pearls a bracelet. Since Jeremy came up with Tahitians on elastic - after buying one from him, I made four more... I love stacking them - 2-3 at the time. I bought silver/gray pearls, so I made one with peacock, one multicolor Tahitian and one mix of white SS, gold SS and silver and dark Tahitians - I can mix and match them in many - many ways..... and then stare at my wrist when I'm typing (like right now...)
Hi Nerida,

I have the perfect solution for you. My way you won't have to worry about it at all :)


Just love them. Did they cost you much. They are stunning.



I agree with those who replied before me: 2-3 pairs of earrings (gold, white and Tahitians), rope to be able to double it at least ( so you need a clasp) and from remaining pearls a bracelet. Since Jeremy came up with Tahitians on elastic - after buying one from him, I made four more... I love stacking them - 2-3 at the time. I bought silver/gray pearls, so I made one with peacock, one multicolor Tahitian and one mix of white SS, gold SS and silver and dark Tahitians - I can mix and match them in many - many ways..... and then stare at my wrist when I'm typing (like right now...)

I don't have PP's bracelets with elastic. Are these the same elastic you can buy at the fabric store? The kind that is like thin cord? Do you just knot it at the end like most costume jewelry bracelets? Thanks.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Yes, Knotty - sadly I am starting to see pearls in a whole new light. If I am a lowly beader, then I am the lowest of the low right now! The pearls come from Indonesia, so are a mix of South Seas and Tahitians.

I love the idea of double bracelets - not sure about elastic - do you knot it between pearls still? Also not sure of what type of elastic to use. I have ridiculously small wrists, and quite like bracelets to be slightly "free" - so am not sure if maybe 2 clasped bracelets would be better. Or 1 double strand - anyone know of some lovely clasp that would suit?

I will do the 45 - 50 inch rope, I think. When I was playing with these strands I was wearing one doubled, then the other long outside the collar of the shirt I was wearing - looked fantastic!

Will keep you all posted. Happy for any more ideas, suggestions etc. Thanks again!
Not sure about the strand, but there are a few pearls there with very, very deep circles; I absolutely LOVE those oddities! :cool: Impossible to find more then a few at a time; who knows why...

If you unstrung the rope, try those strung one after the other as a bracelet - I find the look very surprising for pearls (the gap between pearls gets confused with the deep circles - as if you had some impossible pear roundels, only more interesting).

Just a thought.
Are these the same elastic you can buy at the fabric store? The kind that is like thin cord? Do you just knot it at the end like most costume jewelry bracelets? Thanks.

All good questions! The elastic notion purchased at a fabric store is generally not the same. You are correct, that elastic is covered in cord. The elastic used for jewelry is clear and thicker. It is knotted at the end in a figure 8 knot which prevents the knot from slipping and breaking and sometimes a spot of glue. I've never seen elastic knotted between the beads before. Make it as loose as you like. I like my bracelets floppy too.
Thanks Valeria, Knotty etc,

I will try the deep circled ones on some elastic -I will have to order, so may take a week or so. The pearls are sitting beside my laptop, and are a total distraction to everything else I do. Now I spend my time doing the "which ones are a pair?" search... the "this one could be my pendant?" dilemna.... thanks so much everyone! How do you all ever get anything else done!
Bodecia - sorry to not respond earlier - not for sale ATM - wait until I get entirely frustrated with the above and give up!! They weren't inexpensive - several hundred AUD per strand - but sadly they were irresistable!
Ivona, Raisondetre and others,

I was never a huge fan of bracelets particularly - get in the way, frightened of scratching them etc. But the other day I put on the large FW 13mm one I bought thinking my niece would like it as a wedding gift (she chose a much smaller one, but still wore the 13mm FW strand) and I just couldn't take my eyes off it!! I was supposedly "working" but kept caressing these jewels on my wrist. I keep looking at Carolyn Ehret's bracelets now .... especially the kasumis...and the Kamokas.... and dreaming of a Sea of Cortez one.. and then wearing them all together..
Hi Nerida,

I feel you got a very good value on the pearls, because each is equivalent of 2 strands(usually 15-16 inches) for the total 32 inches.
I think we are all a little jealous! ;)
But that's ok--It;s lovely that the pearls are singing for you, you will have a hobby and passion that can last a lifetime!

so many pearls, so little time
Hi Pattye - don't be too jealous! I procrastinated about the purchase for a day or two - rang the vendor after the show's conclusion - but I did feel that the strands were quite good value. I find here (in Oz) people expect SS to be perfect, or "perfect baroques" - thanks to the Paspaley label.. so these lovely, irregular SS's are a bit out of the box. There were 3 strands available - the 3rd was not quite so varied in its form or colours - hence I purchased 2 rather than 3. I am totally happy.

Pearls have "sung" for me for as long as I can remember. My grandmother, and now, since her eventual passing, my aunt, have an old print of a woman picking up pearls by the seashore (in full period dress, mind you - obviously harks back to our English colonial days..) It always fascinated me! The stringing, raw pearls, beading whatever is a totally new, and unanticipated, desire - fuelled almost entirely by my PG friends! A new found love for Tahitian pearls (preferable drop, circled and silver) is also due to this forum. My husband thanks you all , from the bottom of his heart, truly ....
Quote: A new found love for Tahitian pearls (preferable drop, circled and silver) is also due to this forum. My husband thanks you all , from the bottom of his heart, truly ....[/QUOTE]

Hi Nerida, that just sounds to good to be true:D
Yes it does, doesn't it? I think maybe because it is....
Dear Nerida:
I am so happy that you are engrossed in the beauty of your pearls. I too seem unable to stop looking. I am still (mooning over) my oval exotics. I pulled out two sets of earrings from the smallest strands but have had poor Mia holding the mediums for me forever. I know I want to use a celtic knot for a triple, but I can't let the ones I have go back to be put into the necklace. Like you I have them on my desk and they are completely distracting. Your new SS's are quite beautiful. Hope you will have lots of fun watching over them. Sometimes I think it's more fun to look than to wear. No, that can't be right. Can it?
Good luck with the planning!
Thank you for sharing your pictures with us, they are great!
Please don't forget to show us your earrings.
Barbie - I think you may be right. I find that I am often holding (touching, feeling) a strand in my hand - almost like Tibetans with their prayer beads!! I was out and about selling yesterday at a fair all day, family & paperwork today, so hopefully I will get back to the earrings tomorrow.
Dear Nerida:
Hope you had fun at the fair yesterday! Any pearls in sight? I loved your comment about Tibetan prayer beads. I've been debating praying for either deliverance from my pearl obsession, or, the opportunity to make something like a rosary from Freshadamas. I'll have to ask my Buddhist brother in law if he has any interesting ideas about Tibetan prayer beads I could reinterpret in pearls.
Still sighing over your new SS's.
Hi Barbie - most of the pearls selling at the fair were mine, thankfully! It was not a trade fair - but a market fair at one of our lovely schools close by (do your schools do festival days like that?).

Deliverance from the pearl obsession? No, you know you really don't want that to happen! Think of all the treasures you'd miss out on seeing!

My non-Buddhist son was teaching at a Tibetan monastery last year, so I visited for a while - prayer beads are very soothing, but made from pearls??? too good to be true!