Need help to identify some pearls.


New Member
Nov 18, 2011
First of all thank you for this page, it's very helpful!
I got a bracelet and a necklace from a relative that said got from a charity sale. I just would like to know what kind of pearls are and if you can figure their cost out.
The clasp on the necklace is broken. Thanks for the help!

Still learning here, I was thinking that they look very uniform. If you try what Caitlin suggest, the feel will be smooth if the pearls are faux.

- Karin
I learnt recently that you can rub two together and feel the same grittiness as the tooth test. I tried it an it works to some degree. I was shown "shell pearls" in Vancover BC and
the seller maintained they were made of the same material as cultured. SURE simulated....The pictures remind me of those. They have shown up in some stores and are
being hyped as shell pearl. Just like Majorica years ago. Majorica are worth more now than they were new.