My Pastel Tahitians


Feb 21, 2018
I finally found pearls to add to my blue Tahitian strand. I loved the color of the pearls but wanted the necklace to be a little longer than its 18" length and found that I needed more color, more variety. I purchased 27 Rikitea pearls to add and committed to restring these myself.
I have a lot of respect for those who restring their own pearls! By far selecting and arranging the pearls was the toughest part. I spent more time than I care to admit going through them, arranging them by eye and not by gauge. It was tough!
The necklace ended up way too long of course but it needs to be restrung again anyway. Plus I have more pearls on the way!
Im hoping to have enough to make two strands even if one has to be a tin cup.
I really love this clasp because I can add another clasp to adjust the length. I was worried that it would be to short but it ended up being 24" long and Im thinking that the sweet spot will be 20-21"
Here are some photos of the process. Please excuse the shoddy photos, pollen and dust! Some of the early photos prove that I did a horrible job of rinsing the pearls after a salt slurry. fullsizeoutput_a66.jpgP1550686.jpgP1550691.jpgP1550711.jpgfullsizeoutput_a60.jpg Photographing is quite a challenge.
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(Eeek at those knots!)More photos:


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I love the color of your Ts. Don't worry about the knots. You did well for your first time knotting. With practice you can improve your skills.
I like the way you arranged your pearls-- the colors look pretty. :) I arrange by eye, too, and it always takes me a long time. Sometimes longer than the actual stringing.

When I first began stringing I used silk cord with an attached needle, but never found that I could make tight knots that way. I have to use doubled synthetic thread with a flexible wire needle. Pulling the threads apart seats the knot where it belongs and tightens it.
Thanks guys and thanks Pareltje for the reassurance. I wore this today but was self conscious about the knots!
Pearl Dreams- I started knotting this on Beaders Secret #30 double and it was a disaster. I tried 3 times with this. The newer pearls have larger drill holes unfortunately. I ended up using Griffin with the needle and it was much easier, but as you can see- I still need more practice!
I strung a blue Akoya strand today and that went much better!
Great job and beautiful pearls. Remember that no one will examine your knots in the way that you are doing. They will just see gleaming colorful pearls!
Great job! I love blue pearls and my first tahitians were also bluish in color. They were also my first stringing attempt. I spent a lot longer arranging than I did stringing as well. It all gets easier the more you do it. I've since restrung my first T strand and made a friend for it. :)
Thank you everyone! This forum is wonderful and Ive enjoyed the eye candy immensely.
By the way Sanippy, it was your your baby pearl rope that first made me fall in love with multicolored Tahitians:) Your collection is amazing.
I think they look wonderful , you did a great job. I know what you mean about the 30 BS . I just did a multicolour and am going to redo it with three strands. I''m not happy with the knots and the drill holes are slightly different on a few of the pearls. But that's ok...I was in a hurry as I needed something to wear so it's not a problem. Always a good idea to check the drill holes with the thread ( take your own advice Kathleen) and I use my Dremel to drill out the last three pearls at each end.

Where did you find your Rikitea ?
I think they look wonderful , you did a great job. I know what you mean about the 30 BS . I just did a multicolour and am going to redo it with three strands. I''m not happy with the knots and the drill holes are slightly different on a few of the pearls. But that's ok...I was in a hurry as I needed something to wear so it's not a problem. Always a good idea to check the drill holes with the thread ( take your own advice Kathleen) and I use my Dremel to drill out the last three pearls at each end.
Katbran, my problem is holding the pearl to be drilled. Most clamps are too big to hold a pearl. What do you use?
Well I wrap my fingers in Manicurist tape and hold it in my fingers. I hold the dremel still and pointing away from me and then move the pearl towards the drill with my fingers. You need to hold tightly and I use a low speed. Wear eye protectors... always.. You won't drill your finger as they are on the sides of the pearl... I've not had one shoot off as there is already a drill hole and if you just slightly increase the bit size it's not as prone to grabbing the pearl.
Well I wrap my fingers in Manicurist tape and hold it in my fingers. I hold the dremel still and pointing away from me and then move the pearl towards the drill with my fingers. You need to hold tightly and I use a low speed. Wear eye protectors... always.. You won't drill your finger as they are on the sides of the pearl... I've not had one shoot off as there is already a drill hole and if you just slightly increase the bit size it's not as prone to grabbing the pearl.

I know there is a video somewhere on here of Wendy drilling a pearl this way. You ladies are far braver than I am. I use my pearl drill. It's fairly straight forward. I would surely drill off my fingers using this method. I do love my dremel though. Didn't someone else post about a clamp they purchased at Home Depot or Lowes? I think it was some sort of locking vice grip that they used.
Absolutely gorgeous pearls. I am really loving lighter Tahitians myself right now.
Thanks everyone! Ive since added some pistachio and goldens in the mix and have found the perfect balance. This strand has now been restrung and I am happy to say, the results are much better. Who knew waxing the strand could make such a huge difference? This made getting the knots tight super easy. Ive since purchased a darker peacock strand that Id love some opinions on. Ill try to get some photos up soon.