Join Jeremy Shepherd & Antoinette Matlins today at Noon Pacific


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I know this is last minute, but I was asked to do a pearl talk today with Antionette Matlins for

It's happening on Zoom, and they can host a maximum of 100 people, so we didn't really publicize it, but if anyone would like to join, it starts in just over an hour!

Topic: GemQuest July 2022
Time: Jul 31, 2022 08:00 PM London, 03:00 PM New York, 12:00 PM Los Angeles

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 4336 1858
Passcode: 346643
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I missed it! My mom came back to live down here in Mexico and she moved this Saturday so I had to help her out...I was probably helping her buy a new bed exactly when GemQuest was taking place.
If they send you the video link please share it with us!
I know it was recorded, but they haven't posted any of the recent segments, so I am not sure when this one will be.

It was an informal talk that lasted about 2.5 hours.