4 pearl items


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2020

I got such a great experience with the kind people of this forum that I want to ask you about these other items.
They are my mother's: one is a very antique ring with a yellowish golden pearl that's flat in one side. It has antique rose cut diamonds around. The other is a stretchy black pearls bracelet, she doesn't like haha. The other is a white with pink pearls necklace whitou a clasp an the last one is a 18k very long gold necklace with two size pearls.

If you can tell me the type of pearls they are I would be very grateful again,

Thank you,


I think the black pearls are dyed freshwater pearls. The ring could be a natural pearl. Probably a natural color.

The necklace with the gold bars is very interesting. Although, if you had not said it was 18K gold, I would have thought they were faux pearls. They seem so uniform, but if they gold is high carat, they should be very uniform. I really like the necklace. Probably akoya pearls.

The white strand is kind of out of focus.

Can you retake the photos on a white paper towel in natural light, but in the shade?
Thank you all. As you may notice I'm a terrible photographer haha. Here are some shots with a napkin, couldn't get a paper towel and in the box of the necklace without a clasp. I remembered it is by H. Stern. The ring was bought in an auction and I checked and it said it was very antique and a natural pearl but it was such a good price I practically just paid the gold. I have tested the diamonds and the gold and it's real. Don't know if there is a test for natural pearls. Hope now we can be sure about the pearls and if they are good. Thank you again. P_20200816_155936_1.jpgP_20200816_155708_1.jpgP_20200816_155446.jpgP_20200816_155429_1.jpg
I think the white strand are akoya pearls. I'm pretty confident the ring is a natural pearl. The bracelets are dyed freshwater pearls.

I'm just not sure about the pearls in the gold necklace. There's something about the pearls that just looks artificial to me. They're sort of dull and yellow and don't seem to have much in the way of luster in the photos. On the other hand, I can't imagine H. Stern using faux pearls with 18K gold, so I'm guessing they are akoya pearls. I really like the necklace. Very unusual.
BWeaves, actually the akoya white strand is the one from H. Stern. The long one with yellow gold bars we don't know who made it, I'm sure they are real pearls because I took to a jeweler to appraise, but here nobody understand pearls, they call those pearls biwa and everything else freshwater haha. Is it ok to post here some items with pearls that I was thinking in buying to get your opinion? I'm in a pearl love fase. I don't understand enough about them as I do gemstones.
Ah, OK. I can see the white strand being from H. Stern. Then I really don't know about the gold one.

You can post. But I am an amateur, and I'm giving you my best educated guess.