What kind of fw mussels are this?


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2012
I have a dream to find wild FW pearl in our rivers. One question. What kind of fw mussels are this?

Are this mussels Anodonta or Margaritifera margaritifera or something else?
They are Unionidae, but without proper imagery, measurements and other anatomical information it's impossible to tell which one of nearly 300 genera.
I think there are three different ones in those images.

The specimen with the posterior-dorsal ridge is consistent with Anodonta, but I'd have to see the hinge for the presence of psuedocardinal teeth.

Rather than go back and forth, here's a key that might be helpful to you. Field Identification of Freshwater Mussels

Please be very cautious with freshwater mussels. Many are common and plentiful, but some are extremely rare or endangered.
WOW! Thanks Dave! I will be very carefull! That mussels was dead
Every weekend i go fishing. Many times I saw dead mussels in a sand near the ponds or river and decide to determine them
May be one day I should find one wild fw pearl, as a personal trophy