Pearl grading again

  • Thread starter Thread starter Valeria101
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The Pearl Society is an initiative to inform about pearls. A stance on grading by the founder appeared in the Lapiday Journal, July 06 (attached).

Haven't tried this one yet, although the content sounds intriguing.

Does anyone here make use of the 'Pearl Society' forum?
Hi Ana
I have her webpage on my favorites list. She does have some interesting people speak at her club meetings. I will enjoy it when the book whose author she invited to her November meeting, publishes his book on pearls- sounds like he has an interesting take on the industry- which will be nothing new to follks here, but does seem to be part of a spreading consciousness.

I balked at paying the membership fee to join her group last year, but maybe someone should this year and we could have some helpful exchanges. She sounds very social and involved with the people of the pearl world- her social style reminds me of a literary salon of centuries past.

Also I am not beyond loving the idea of having a west coast get together of PGF folks with sharing of info and pearls, maybe hosted by PP ??? .... Pattye mentioned that idea to me, and I liked it.
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